Equity and Environmental Justice in New England and the Mid-Atlantic
NOAA Fisheries’ Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center endeavor to equitably serve all parties affected, interested, impacted, or served by our stewardship of marine and anadromous fish and fisheries, protected species, and their habitats.
Equity and Environmental Justice Overview
We recognize both the importance of promoting equity and environmental justice in our decision-making processes and the impact of climate change on both the species we manage and the communities and individuals who depend on them for food or employment, or for whom these species and landscapes hold traditional and cultural importance. Using guidance set forth in NOAA Fisheries’ national Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy, we have developed an implementation plan for the New England and Mid-Atlantic region that incorporates and prioritizes equity and environmental justice (EEJ) in our ongoing and future activities.
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic NOAA Fisheries EEJ Priorities
Our plan outlines how we will:
- Incorporate principles of fairness and justice into our resource conservation and management efforts and to consider the social, economic, and environmental impacts of our actions on communities at the forefront of systemic inequity.
- improve and increase engagement and accessibility.
- Establish a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve and promote a culture of inclusivity and accessibility within our organization.
- Work towards providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity, and ensuring that our programs and services are accessible to all members of the public.
Click here to view the New England/ Mid-Atlantic Equity and Environmental Justice Implementation Plan. This plan is a living document and will be updated on an annual basis. Please submit any feedback on this document to nmfs.gar.fisheriesEEJ@noaa.gov.
National NOAA Fisheries Equity and Environmental Justice homepage