Priorities for Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants
The following information relates to the FY2021 Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants, published by the NOAA Restoration Center. Please refer to the funding opportunity for a full description of program priorities and evaluation criteria.
How do I find information about Species in the Spotlight?
The Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon is one of NOAA Fisheries Species in the Spotlight. This initiative is a concerted, agency-wide effort to spotlight and save the most highly at-risk marine species. The 5-year action plan focuses on priority actions for Atlantic salmon.
How do I find information about the 2019 Recovery Plan?
The goal of this 2019 Recovery Plan is the removal of the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon from the federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. A previous plan was released in 2005.
How do I find information about Critical Habitat for Atlantic salmon?
Critical habitat is habitat needed to support recovery of listed species. When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act, NOAA Fisheries is required to determine whether there are areas that meet the definition of critical habitat.
How do I find information about river-specific stocks?
Atlantic salmon populations are adapted to specific conditions in their natal river, and many of these local adaptations are heritable. Over time, this leads to measurable differences among populations. Like other forms of genetic diversity, these adaptations are not easily replaceable or replicated. Thus, conservation of locally adapted populations (i.e., river-specific stocks in the Sheepscot; Penobscot, including the Ducktrap; Narraguagus; Pleasant; Machias; East Machias; and Dennys Rivers) remains a key tenet in the pursuit of species recovery. In the map below that encompasses the geographic range of the Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon (yellow background), areas with river-specific stocks are highlighted in green, and designated Critical Habitat is marked by diagonal lines.