Refine Results
Management Area
Regulatory Action Status
Species Category


2414 items match your filter criteria.

IB 99-45: NMFS Closing Hook-and-Line Gear in the GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
April 22, 1999 -

IB 99-43: NMFS Closing Pacific Cod for Hook-and-Line and Pot Gear in the BSAI

Notice of a fishery management action.
April 14, 1999 -

IB 99-42: NMFS Opening Offshore Pacific Cod in the Western GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
April 09, 1999 -

IB 99-41: NMFS Closing Trawl Catcher Vessel Pacific Cod in the BSAI

Notice of a fishery management action.
April 08, 1999 -

IB 99-40: NMFS Apportion Reserves of Pacific Cod in the GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
April 05, 1999 -

IB 99-38: NMFS Closing Trawling for Shallow-Water Species in the GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
March 31, 1999 -

IB 99-36: NMFS Closing Trawling for Deep-Water Species in the GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
March 19, 1999 -

IB 99-35: NMFS Closing Trawling for Shallow-Water Species in the GOA

Notice of a fishery management action.
March 18, 1999 -