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114 items match your filter criteria.

NOAA Fisheries Recent Actions in Wild Fish Conservancy v. Quan

NOAA Fisheries has recently taken several actions in Wild Fish Conservancy v. Quan (the Southeast Alaska salmon fishery case).
May 25, 2023 - Agency Statement ,
Alaska salmon troller Bay of Pillars in Chatham Strait. Alaska salmon troller Bay of Pillars in Chatham Strait. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Celebrating the People and Partnerships Saving Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

Marking the 50th year of the passage of the Endangered Species Act, we are shining a spotlight on the biologists and partnerships saving Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon from extinction.
May 25, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Three people smiling for the camera, standing on a rocky riverbed Brian Ellrott (left), NOAA Fisheries’ Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Recovery Coordinator, and colleagues, Cathy Marcinkevage and Howard Brown conducting habitat investigations on local rivers in California.

The Endangered Species Act: 50 Years of Conserving Species

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act by learning more about NOAA's work to conserve endangered species and their habitats.
50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act with smalltooth sawfish, green turtle, Atlantic salmon, staghorn, North Atlantic right whale, and Tubastraea floreana

Statement on U.S. District Court Decision Remanding 2019 Biological Opinion Regarding Southeast Alaska Salmon Fisheries

May 2, 2023 decision on Wild Fish Conservancy v. Rumsey, Alaska Trollers Association, and State of Alaska.
May 05, 2023 - Agency Statement ,
A Southeast Alaska troller A Southeast Alaska trolling vessel. Credit ASMI

NOAA Fisheries to Hold Public Hearing on Amendment that Would Establish Federal Management of Salmon in Upper Cook Inlet

Absent Council action, agency must prepare amendment to meet court deadline.
April 26, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A cluster of pink salmon underwater

Changing Environmental Conditions on the Yukon River May Pose Challenge For Juvenile Salmon

This new study looks at the timing and duration of the seaward migration from fresh to marine waters for juvenile coho, chum, and Chinook salmon.
March 20, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Young Salmon in sample bags Juvenile chum salmon in sample bags. Credit: Katrina Mueller.

Seeking Nominations for Alaska Salmon Research Task Force

Task force to develop a coordinated salmon research strategy for Alaska. Deadline for nominations is March 10, 2023.
February 17, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Chinook salmon jump in frothy white water Chinook salmon jump in frothy white water. Credit: Laura Mahoney/USFWS