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NOAA Fisheries Releases 2023 Status of Stocks

This report provides a "snapshot in time" of the status of our nation's fisheries at the end of 2023.
Young fish swimming. Juvenile coho salmon. Credit: iStock

Scientific Trawl Gear Performance Better Understood Thanks to Collaborative Research

Fishermen and researchers report on just how well our science center's survey trawl gear captures fish at different depths, especially flat fish like flounders.
October 06, 2021 - Feature Story ,
A very flat fish whose coloring blends into the sandy ocean bottom.

2019 Net Spread Study Targets Flatfish, Reveals Subtle Differences

Fishermen and researchers continue collaboration to better understand research survey trawl gear performance
November 07, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Trawl nets, side by side on stern of boat.