The NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette departed on a 24-day research expedition to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands to support research and recovery efforts for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. Every year, our biologists monitor the status of m
It is likely that fewer than 100 Bryde's whales are living in the Gulf of Mexico. Learn more about what NOAA Fisheries is doing to help this endangered species.
After nearly disappearing from Puget Sound in the 1970s, a new survey has found harbor porpoises have rebounded strongly and are now present in all parts of the Sound throughout the year.
Fall at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center means researchers are sifting through all the data they collected over the summer months in the field. For the Steller sea lion team that means reviewing hundreds of thousands of photos.
The Cook Inlet Beluga whale is a NOAA Fisheries “Species in the Spotlight.” Listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, this population of beluga whale may be at risk of extinction. An agency-wide effort is underway to protect it along with seven other high-risk species. July is Habitat Month. In this feature, we highlight ongoing research that helps us identify key areas where belugas live.