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197 items match your filter criteria.

Devastating Collapse of Groundfish Fishery Forces a More Sustainable Future

“If you wanted to stay, you had one option.” Fishermen remade the system to survive.
October 08, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Fisherman guiding a rope on a winch Pulling final tow of the day on West Coast Groundfish Survey.

Eat Your Way to a Healthier You, Me, Country, and Planet

Dr. Michael Rubino, Senior Advisor for Seafood Strategy at NOAA Fisheries, discusses why seafood is good for our health, nation, and planet.
Six grilled Hog Island oysters drizzled in barbecue chipotle butter, on a serving dish with two small forks.

Serving Up Seafood: National Seafood Month

Join us for National Seafood Month 2019 and learn how we work to support healthy, sustainable seafood all year round.

NOAA Official to be Honored by Seafood Nutrition Partnership

Laurel Bryant’s contributions to building the national narrative on seafood sustainability earn recognition.
September 10, 2019 - Feature Story ,

U.S. Fish Stocks Continue Positive Trend with 45 Rebuilt Since 2000

New NOAA report shows status of federally managed fisheries.
August 02, 2019 - Leadership Message ,
Fshing ship surrounded  of seagulls in Atlantic ocean at sunset

Status of Stocks 2018

The annual Status of Stocks report highlighting the work toward the goal of maximizing fishing opportunities while ensuring the sustainability of fisheries and fishing communities to support America's Blue Economy.
August 02, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Commercial Fishing near Kodiak Island Alaska

Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Benefits from Sustainable Shark Management

Atlantic spiny dogfish are small sharks with a long and complex history in U.S. waters.
August 01, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Gray and white spiny dogfish with white spots swimming along ocean floor and away from camera.

Diversifying New England’s Seafood Marketplace

How many different seafood species do you purchase and eat? Many of us are familiar with lobster, sea scallops, cod, and haddock but not so familiar with eating dogfish, monkfish, scup, or sea robin. Diversifying the seafood choices we make and eating a much wider variety of local marine life will help the ecosystem and the people who depend on it for a living and for food.
July 03, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Basket of silvery butterfish

Swordfish, It’s What (Could Be) for Dinner

If it’s U.S.-harvested swordfish, you can feel confident it’s a smart seafood choice.
April 30, 2019 - Feature Story ,