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Amanda Holdman

Amanda Holdman, MSc

Protected Species Division
Passive Acoustics Branch
Marine Mammal Acoustics
Office: (508) 233-8009
Email: amanda.holdman@noaa.gov

Amanda Holdman, MSc


Amanda has a BS from Purdue University in Wildlife Management and a MS from Oregon State University in Wildlife Science. For her MS thesis, Amanda used visual surveys and passive acoustic monitoring to document the distribution and habitat use of marine mammals off the Oregon Coast prior to wave energy development. Previously she worked as a research acoustician at the OSU/NOAA Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystem and Resource Studies (CIMERS), researching the seasonal overlap between arctic marine mammals and anthropogenic noise in Beaufort Sea, Alaska. Since November 2021, within the Passive Acoustics Branch, Amanda focuses on the occurrence and distribution of cetaceans, particularly harbor porpoise and other high-frequency species, and analyzes acoustic data transmitted via satellite in near real time from buoys and ocean gliders for baleen whale presence in the Atlantic Ocean.


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