Adelle Molina
Dr. Molina is a quantitative fisheries ecologist with a broad interest in providing decision support for fisheries management that considers ecological, environmental, and socioeconomic drivers. She received a B.S. in marine biology from Brown University in 2012 and a Ph.D. from the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University in 2022. Afterwards, she worked as a postdoc with Dr. John Weidenman at Rutgers University’s Department of Natural Resources. Both her Ph.D. research on blue crab population dynamics in New York and her postdoctoral work on drivers of Atlantic herring recruitment were collaborations with state and federal agencies to explore environmental and ecological impacts. In 2023, she joined the EDAB branch of the NEFSC as a contractor via IBSS. Her primary role as a stock assessment analyst is to coordinate the ecosystem and socioeconomic profile (ESP) reporting for Northeast U.S. fish stocks.