High Seas Fishing Permits
The United States adopted the High Seas Fishing Compliance Act in 1994 to implement the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas. The Act requires, among other things, that U.S. vessels operating on the high seas possess a permit issued in accordance with Section 104 of the Act and be marked for identification purposes. The Act also requires permit holders to report their fishing activities, and it prohibits use of high seas fishing vessels in contravention of international conservation and management measures recognized by the United States or in a manner that would violate a permit condition.
Additional requirements became effective in January 2016 after NOAA Fisheries published a final rule to improve the administration of the and the monitoring of U.S. fishing vessels operating on the high seas. The rule includes adjustments to permitting and reporting procedures for all U.S. fishing vessels on the high seas. It also includes requirements for the installation and operation of enhanced mobile transceiver units for vessel monitoring, carrying observers on vessels, reporting of transshipments taking place on the high seas, and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems.
How to Apply
Submit your application via the NOAA Fisheries Permit System to the NOAA Fisheries Region with whom you normally interact on fisheries matters.
If you are unable to submit online, please fill out the following forms and send them, and all required documentation, to the NOAA Fisheries Region with whom you normally interact on fisheries matters. The addresses are provided below.
- High Seas Fishing Permit Application (PDF, 7 pages)
- High Seas Transshipment Declaration Form (PDF, 3 pages)
Please know that during the pandemic response, permit processors may not be at the facilities full time. It is preferable to submit applications online. In either case, please alert the region with an email or phone call.
Pacific Islands Region
Pacific Islands Regional Office
National Marine Fisheries Service
ATTN: Permits Office
Honolulu, HI 96818
Email: piro-permits@noaa.gov
Phone: (808) 725-5190
If you are unable to use the National Permit System, please download the application form and submit it online following these instructions.
Southeast Region
Southeast Regional Office
National Marine Fisheries Service
ATTN: Permits
263 13th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: (727) 824-5326
Fax: no longer accept faxes
West Coast Region
West Coast Regional Office
National Marine Fisheries Service
ATTN: Permits
501 West Ocean Blvd, Suite 4200
Long Beach, CA 90802
Email: wcr-permits@noaa.gov
Phone: (562) 980-4238
More Information
High Seas Fishery Compliance Act Permits, Compliance Guide for Revised Regulations
High seas fishing regulations are found at 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 300, Subpart A and Subpart R. Fishing vessels operating on the high seas may also be subject to permit requirements and regulations, such as the following:
- Atlantic Highly Migratory Species – 50 CFR 635
- Pacific Highly Migratory Species Fisheries – 50 CFR 660, Subpart K
- Eastern Pacific Tuna Fisheries – 50 CFR 300, Subpart C
- Western Pacific Pelagic Fisheries – 50 CFR 665, Subpart F
- South Pacific Tuna Fisheries – 50 CFR 300, Subpart D
Vessels operating in the Northwest Atlantic trawl fisheries or the South Pacific albacore troll fisheries are required to obtain high seas fishing permits and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.