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Shark Surveys and Lesson Plans: A Multitasking Teacher at Sea

January 19, 2023

Learn about the Teacher at Sea program and one of our recent teachers, Maronda Hastie, who went above and beyond to bring what she learned to her students.

NOAA Ship Oregon II conducting shark and boney fish research. NOAA Teacher at Sea Maronda Hastie sailed aboard NOAA Ship Oregon II. Since 1995 the bottom longline survey has been conducted on the Oregon II for shark and bony fish research. Credit: NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
Maronda Hastie holds a snowy grouper
Maronda Hastie holds a snowy grouper. Credit: NOAA Teacher at Sea.

Teachers bring the world to their students. And since 1990, NOAA has been helping them do it by bringing educators from all over the country on research cruises. The Teacher at Sea program has sent more than 850 teachers—from kindergarten to college level—to log more than 10,000 days at sea and assist with more than 118,000 hours of research. The program gives educators hands-on experience with oceanic and atmospheric research. They use the experience to enrich their classes, lessons, and ultimately, their communities.

In this episode of Dive In With NOAA Fisheries, we talk to one recent Teacher at Sea, Maronda Hastie. She truly embraced the spirit of bringing what she learned to her class, in real time. She worked 12-hour shifts tagging sharks, baiting hooks, and collecting fish bones—all while continuing to teach her classes remotely from the ship!

Last updated by Office of Communications on May 09, 2024