2010 Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Science Conference Presentations
October 10, 2010
Conference presentations about recent Cook Inlet beluga whale research.
- Trends in Abundance of Cook Inlet Beluga Whales, (Rod Hobbs)
- Estimated Annual Calving Rate Indices for Cook Inlet Beluga Whales 2005-2009, (Rod Hobbs)
- Killer Whales in Lower Cook Inlet, (Craig Matkin)
- Current-use and legacy persistent pollutants in Cook Inlet beluga whales: results from the analysis of banked tissues from the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project (Paul Becker)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in Cook Inlet belugas (John Reynolds)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in sediments and fish of Cook Inlet, Alaska (Dana Wetzel)
- Chemical exposures for Cook Inlet beluga whales (Usha Vedagiri)
- Preliminary evaluation of the effects of wastewater discharge on Cook Inlet beluga whales (Brett Jokela)
- Range contraction in a beluga whale population (Kim Shelden)
- Probabilistic habitat of the endangered beluga whale in Cook Inlet, Alaska (Rod Hobbs)
- Hydrodynamic models and satellite remote sensing data help study the beluga whale habitat in Cook Inlet (Tal Ezer)
- Seasonal distribution of Cook Inlet beluga whales based on passive acoustic monitoring (Bob Small)
- Photo-identification of Cook Inlet beluga whales (Tamara McGuire)
- Cook Inlet beluga whale monitoring at Eagle Bay, Fort Richardson, Alaska 2008- 2009 (Chris McKee)
- Relationship between the Native Village of Tyonek, Alaska and beluga whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska (Steve Braund)
- Interactions between beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and boats in Knik Arm, upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: behavior and bioacoustics (Brent Stewart)
- Cook Inlet beluga whale strandings (Barbara Mahoney)
- Morbidity and mortality trends in stranded Cook Inlet beluga whales (Kathy Burek)
- Cook Inlet beluga whale diet from stomach content analysis (Lori Quakenbush)
- Genetic analysis of historic and prehistoric beluga whale teeth and bones from Cook Inlet: evidence of a bottleneck? (Greg O’Corry-Crowe)
- Molecular genetic analysis of population structure, dispersal and gene flow of beluga whales in the western Nearctic: new findings on the Cook Inlet population (Greg O’Corry-Crowe)
- Genetic consequences of population decline in an endangered species: results on MHC diversity in Cook Inlet beluga whales (Greg O’Corry-Crowe)