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Final EIS: Consideration of Exempted Fishing Permits for Testing Fishing Practices to Target Swordfish and Other Marketable Highly Migratory Species in the United States West Coast Exclusive Economic Zone

March 11, 2025

Final EIS on issuance of certain exempted fishing permits for harvest of swordfish and other marketable highly migratory species in Federal waters off the U.S. West Coast

NOAA Fisheries is considering issuance of exempted fishing permits (EFPs) for testing alternative fishing practices to target and increase access to swordfish and other marketable highly migratory species (HMS) in Federal waters off the U.S. West Coast. This final environmental impact statement (EIS), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), includes an analysis of the potential impacts on the human (biological, physical, social, and economic) environment of such activities.

The Proposed Action is to allow fishing trials and to gather data to inform decision-making in support of statutory objectives of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), including achieving optimum yield (i.e., National Standard 1) and minimizing bycatch (i.e., National Standard 9). The Proposed Action is needed to permit alternative fishing practices that are otherwise prohibited by existing regulations at 50 CFR part 660, subpart K.

In 2014, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) solicited EFP applications to test alternative fishing practices for review. NMFS received several applications for trial fishing configurations that would deploy hooks from horizontal mainlines. The Council recommended NMFS approve and issue these EFPs under the MSA. NOAA Fisheries can use information collected during the EFP trials to inform decision-making aimed at expanding options for U.S. fishermen to target swordfish and other marketable HMS (e.g., tunas) in Federal waters off the U.S. West Coast.

Last updated by West Coast Regional Office on 03/13/2025