Freeman Diversion Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan
July 16, 2024
The United Water Conservation District has prepared the Freeman Diversion Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan as part of its application for incidental take permits under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the federal Endangered Species Act.
Application for an Individual Incidental Take Permit
- Appendix A: Assessment of Covered Species
- Appendix B: Forecasted Water Resource Impacts From Changes in Operation of Freeman Diversion
- Appendix C: Hardened Ramp Design Hydraulic Plans
- Appendix D: Assessment of Take of Covered Species from United Water Conservation District’s Conjunctive Use Projects and Related Activities
- Appendix E: Potential Effects of Suspended Sediment on Adult Steelhead Migrating in the Santa Clara River
- Appendix F: Implementation of Continuous Suspended Sediment Monitoring in the Santa Clara River at the Freeman Diversion
- Appendix G: Draft Noise Abatement Protocol