Lobster/Jonah Crab Minimum Traps Per Trawl: Maine Zone B
This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for Maine Zone B put in place by the 2021 amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.
This map shows the new minimum traps per trawl requirements for Maine Zone B, effective May 1, 2022.
Zone B Description from Maine DMR Chapter 25.94
Eastern Line - The Southern tip of Schoodic Point at 44° 19.900’ N and 068° 03.609’ W and running due South 180° Magnetic to 43° 45.427’ N and 067° 50.122’ W, and then continuing South 180° magnetic to the Exclusive Economic Zone boundary.
Western Line - Starting at the southernmost end of Newbury Neck following a straight line to a point ¼ mile due east of Pond Island at 44º 13.7' N, 068º 27.8’ W; then to the easternmost point of Black Island; then to the navigation buoy R “8” at the western entrance of York Narrows; then south to Swans Island Head; then continuing along the southwestern shore of Swans Island to West Point; then following the western boundary of the Swans Island Lobster Conservation Area (Chapter 25.90(A)(1)) southerly to a point at 44º 01.9' N, 068º 28.6' W (where Loran lines 9960-W-12524.5 and 9960-X- 25765.5 intersect the 3-mile limit), as identified on National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration nautical charts; then South 180° magnetic to 43° 32.664’ N, 068° 17.284’ W, then continuing South 180° magnetic to the EEZ boundary.