Underwater Soundscapes Within Critical Habitats of the Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal: Implications for Conservation
We measured ambient noise levels and characterized sound sources at 4 shallow critical habitats of the Hawaiian Monk Seal.
Studying underwater soundscapes of critical habitats of marine mammals can provide valuable information on the acoustic environment utilized by sound-reliant animals. For the endangered Hawaiian monk seal Neomonachus schauinslandi (HMS), the acoustic scene of their aquatic habitats is poorly understood. This study provides the first description of underwater soundscapes at critical habitats of the HMS across its expansive range. These measurements serve as a baseline for future studies to understand the impacts of human activities on underwater soundscapes.
Parnell K, Merkens K, Huetz C, Charrier I, Robinson SJ, Pacini A, Bejder L 2024. Underwater soundscapes within critical habitats of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal: implications for conservation Endang Species Res 54:311-329.https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01336