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3 resources match your filter criteria.

Passive Acoustic Cetacean Map

This mapping tool shows when and where specific whale, dolphin, and other cetacean species were acoustically detected in the North Atlantic Ocean.
June 03, 2021 - Query Tool ,
This illustration shows the variety of technologies that NOAA Fisheries researchers use to record underwater sounds and study marine animals. The seascape shows bottom- mounted and drifting acoustic recorders, underwater autonomous vehicles, Atlantic cod and humpback whale with tags, and instruments deployed from a NOAA ship and small boat. Colored circles show a zoomed-in view of the instruments and indicate the type of data collected: green for real-time data, orange for archival data, and blue for active

Recovery Action Database

Tracks the implementation of recovery actions from Endangered Species Act (ESA) recovery plans.
February 10, 2020 - Database ,
RAD image.JPG

Alaska Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Mapper Web Application

Spacial data and maps of critical habitat and Endangered Species Act (ESA) threatened and endangered marine mammals under NOAA Fisheries jurisdiction in Alaska.
January 29, 2018 - Query Tool ,