Thirteen scientists and one reporter set sail on the R/V Shimada last Friday, May 06, to begin a 13-day cruise through the Northern California Current. The cruise started in Richmond, California and will stop at 81 stations along 9 transects, reaching the northern Washington coast, before ending in Newport, Oregon.
The timing of the spring NCC Ecosystem Survey is chosen so we can monitor how the marine environment changes following the spring transition (the transition from a winter, down-welling dominant environment, to a summer, upwelling-dominant environment). The physical spring transition—which is based on wind stress and alongshore cumulative wind stress off Newport, OR—occurred on May 02 this year (Pierce & Barth) so we’re eager to see what’s happening in the rest of the Northern California Current!
So many scientists’ makes for a lot of exciting projects on board so stay tuned to hear what we’re up to!