Southeast Regional Office Guidance
- Queen Conch Survey, Construction Conditions, Relocation and Reporting Guidelines: September 2024 (PDF, 9 pages)
- ESA-Listed Coral Colony and Acropora Critical Habitat Survey Protocol: June 2019 (PDF, 4 pages)
- Protected Species Construction Conditions, Revised: May 2021 (PDF, 3 pages)
- Construction Guidelines in Florida for Minor Piling-Supported Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), Marsh or Mangrove Habitat. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service: August 2001 (PDF, 2 pages)
- Key for Construction Conditions for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or Over Johnson’s Seagrass (Halophila johnsonii). National Marine Fisheries Service/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: October 2002 (PDF, 2 pages)
- Measures for Reducing Entrapment Risk to Protected Species, Revised: May 22, 2012 (PDF, 2 pages)
- National Artificial Reef Plan (as Amended): Guidelines for siting, construction, development, and assessment of artificial reefs: Revised February 2007 (PDF, 61 pages)
- Vessel Strike Avoidance Measures, NOAA Fisheries Service, Southeast Region: Revised May 2021 (PDF, 3 pages)
Interagency Consultation (ESA Section 7)
- ESA Section 7 Regulations (50 CFR 402)
- ESA Section 7 Consultation Handbook
- Improving Coordination of ESA Section 7 Consultation with the FERC Licensing Process
- Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between EPA, FWS, and NMFS to enhance coordination under the Clean Water Act and the ESA for Section 7 consultations (66 FR 11202; February 22, 2001)
- Guidance on Evaluating the Net Benefit of Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects. Issued December 10, 2002(68 FR 1629; January 13, 2003)
- Guidance on Alternative Approaches for Streamlining Section 7 Consultation on Hazardous Fuels Treatment Projects. Issued October 11, 2002(68 FR 1628; January 13, 2003)
Return to the Southeast Region's ESA Section 7 Interagency Consultation main page here.