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Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program Results

34 results match your filter criteria.

Innovative Coral Restoration Begins in Hawaiʻi After Ship Grounding

A promising and emerging coral restoration technique is being tested in the coastal waters of Hawai‘i for the first time.
March 13, 2025 - Feature Story ,
A diver uses a lift bag to transport loose rubble. A diver uses a lift bag to transport loose rubble. Credit: NOAA

Deepwater Horizon: A Moment in Time, Decades of Restoration

From the earliest moments after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, NOAA has played a lead role—responding to the spill, assessing the damage, developing restoration plans, and implementing on-the-ground restoration projects.

Millionth Spiny Superhero Released to Devour Hawaiʻi's Coral-Smothering Algae

One million sea urchins have now been deployed through the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources’ work in partnership with NOAA to restore corals after the M/V Cape Flattery grounded on an Oʻahu reef.
December 06, 2023 - Feature Story ,

Eighteen Barges, for 18 Acres … of Louisiana Oysters

A new reef taking shape in Lake Calcasieu offers new habitat for oysters and fish, and commercial and recreational harvesting for oyster lovers.
October 17, 2023 - Feature Story ,
a women in a blue shirt, gloves, and sunglasses measures an oyster Oysters thrive in the warm, nutrient-rich waters of Lake Calcasieu (Photo: NOAA)

Two NOAA Programs Support Restoration After Coastal Pollution

NOAA is “Growing Habitat Together” through the Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration and the Deepwater Horizon programs.
July 18, 2023 - Feature Story ,
a marsh is shown with 3 boats going down a river with a wake behind them Healthy habitats are vital to our nation’s fisheries and protected species—and to our vibrant coastal economies. (Credit: State of Louisiana)

Community Comes Together to Replant a Restored Marsh in North Carolina

Marsh restoration in the Cape Fear River Basin is helping to improve water quality and offer storm protection.
July 13, 2023 - Feature Story ,
a marsh with juvenile plants is shown with multiple volunteers in the background  New plants are shown in the Carolina Beach marsh area (NOAA Fisheries)

Meet Eric Weissberger, Oyster Restoration Coordinator for Deepwater Horizon

Eric Weissberger brings years of expertise as a shellfish biologist to his role as oyster restoration coordinator. He helps the five Gulf states and NOAA work together to rebuild oyster reefs after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
November 15, 2022 - Feature Story ,
a man in a red boat rows in a small harbor. Eric Weissberger is the Oyster Restoration Coordinator for the Deepwater Horizon restoration program.

Innovative Partnerships Fast Track Polluted Portland Harbor Toward Restoration

Through public-private partnerships, restoration banking restores resources affected by pollution in Oregon and helps habitats recover faster.
July 28, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Creek flows between vegetated stream banks The Alder Creek Restoration Project, shown here several years after project construction, is a restoration banking project along Oregon’s Willamette River. Credit: NOAA.

Great Meadows Marsh Project is Restoring Salt Marsh Habitat and Building Resilience in Coastal Connecticut

Restoration of nearly 40 acres of salt marsh and other coastal habitats will help Great Meadows Marsh in Long Island Sound respond to sea level rise. The effort is supported by funding from three pollution cases in Connecticut.
May 16, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Construction equipment and workers in a wetland Creek construction to restore normal tidal flow in and out of Great Meadows Marsh. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jim Turek.

Gulf Reef Fish Anglers: Help Reef Fish Survive Release with Free Gear

Have you caught and released reef fish, only to see them float away on the surface? The Return 'Em Right project is now providing recreational anglers Gulf-wide with the knowledge and tools—for free—to improve reef fish survival.
May 10, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Person on a boat wearing a Return Em Right tee shirt Return 'Em Right provides support and resources to anglers committed to using best release practices and helping reef fish survive release. Credit: Return 'Em Right.