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Exempted Fishing Permit Results

53 results match your filter criteria.

Exempted Fishing Permits in Alaska: Federal Register Rules and Notices

Notice of Application: This notice announces receipt of an exempted fishing permit (EFP) application from United Catcher Boats for pollock catcher vessels (CVs) using pelagic trawl gear in the eastern Bering Sea (BS) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA) to…

Exempted Fishing Permit: Mote Marine Lab Red Grouper Full Retention Study

This study would assess the efficacy of an optimized retention management strategy in the eastern Gulf of Mexico commercial reef fish fishery with red grouper, Epinephelus morio, as the test species.

Pre-season webinar for vessel owner/operators who are using Electronic Monitoring under Exempted Fishing Permits in the West Coast groundfish fishery

For more information, contact Matt Dunlap, Fishery Policy Analyst, NMFS West Coast Regional Office, at (206) 316-7944
April 20, 2023 -

Better Bycatch Reduction Device for the Gulf Shrimp Fleet Project

For more information, please contact sustainable fisheries at (727) 824-5305

Request for Applications: 2021 Shark Research Fishery

NOAA Fisheries is now accepting applications from commercial shark fishermen interested in participating in the 2021 Shark Research Fishery.
November 30, 2020 -

Notice of Intent To Prepare an Eis To Fish Longline Gear in the U.S. EEZ Under an Exempted Fishing Permit

NMFS announces its intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, to analyze the potential short- and long-term impacts of the proposed action to issue an exempted…

Scientific Research and Exempted Fishing Permits

We encourage fishing industry involvement in research. Cooperative research between scientists, managers, and the fishing industry fosters robust and resilient science, and promotes positive and dynamic partnerships. However, some research activities may…

Exempted Fishing Permit Application Process in Alaska

The Alaska Regional Office has established an annual application process for Exempted Fishing Permits (EFPs), starting in 2020. There are two application periods.