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Fish Stocks Results

9 results match your filter criteria.

Amendment 31 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan

Amendment 31 defines 20 stocks for the following 14 species: black, canary, copper, quillback, squarespot, vermilion, and vermilion/sunset rockfishes; Dover, petrale, and rex soles; lingcod, Pacific spiny dogfish, sablefish, and shortspine thornyhead…

Rockfish Recruitment and Ecosystem Assessment Survey in the California Current Marine Ecosystem

Our team monitors juvenile rockfish recruitment and ocean conditions in the waters off the California coast to provide annual data used in fisheries management.
Numerous small juvenile rockfish and one adult vermilion rockfish Young-of-the-year rockfish and adult vermilion rockfish. Credit: Robert Lee

U.S. Fisheries Face Climate Challenges

Climate change is affecting where fish live, what they eat, and how many of them survive in the ocean. Learn more about what is changing and what we are doing to understand the effects of climate change on fish stocks.
April 20, 2022 - Video ,
Scientists sample water for pollock with large net Scientists sample for pollock. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Peer Review: 2022 September Management Track Assessments

| 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Peer review meeting for haddock, American plaice, monkfish, and multiple groundfish stocks.


Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review Schedule

The Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review schedule shows the cycle of reviews for stock assessments in the Pacific Islands region.

Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review

The Western Pacific Stock Assessment Review process is a cooperative effort to improve the quality, timeliness, objectivity, and integrity of stock assessments for the Pacific Islands region.

Modeling and Mapping Regional-Scale Patterns of Fishing Impact and Fish Stocks to Support Coral-Reef Management in Micronesia

Presents a baseline map of fishing impact in U.S. Territories and other Micronesian localities.
July 09, 2018 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Agency's Latest Status of Stocks Report Shows More Progress Rebuilding Fish Stocks

A message from Chris Oliver, head of NOAA Fisheries.
May 17, 2018 - Leadership Message ,

Fish Stock Sustainability

NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Sustainable Fisheries updates the status of fish stocks managed under federal fishery management plans based on stock assessments completed during that quarter.