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Fisheries Research Results

12 results match your filter criteria.

Cooperative Research in the Northeast

Our Cooperative Research Branch engages the fishing community to answer science questions and improve management of the region’s fisheries.

Alaska Cooperative Research

A requirement for sustainable fisheries management and protected resource conservation.

NOAA Releases 2021 Ecosystem Status Reports for the Eastern Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Aleutian Islands

These reports are a compilation of inputs from our own research and the work of many contributors from fishing, coastal and Alaska Native communities, academic institutions, the State of Alaska and other federal agencies.
December 20, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Title of "Alaska's Ecosystem Status Report: a collaborative approach to inform fisheries management" over a map of Alaska

Cooperative and Citizen Science on Puget Sound Rockfish

Working with the recreational fishing and SCUBA diving communities to collect data and measure recovery of endangered and threatened rockfish species in Puget Sound.

Scoping Meeting Schedule for Three Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Actions

NOAA Fisheries announces a schedule for scoping meetings and webinars for three actions.
May 23, 2019 -

Alaska Age And Growth Data Map

This interactive map displays collected specimen information from recent age and growth studies from Alaska Fisheries Science Center.
May 09, 2018 - Map ,

Fish Otolith Chronologies

Fish otoliths and other hard parts that form annual growth increments (annuli) in marine organisms act as natural chronometers.
Trees with no leaves in the woods against a blue sky

Alaska Age And Growth Precision Statistics

Statistics from 1990 to 2006.

Age and Growth Fish Otolith Thin Sectioning Procedures

Thin sectioning is used to supplement the break and burn method in the age determination of rockfish species and other difficult to age species. The AFSC thin section method is a modified version of a similar thin section technique developed in Australia. The modified thin section was used to develop the ageing criteria for shortraker rockfish and Pacific cod and is currently the primary method used to age shortraker rockfish. Below is a brief description of the procedure along with accompanying photographs.

Alaska Age and Growth Procedures for Otolith Examination

Learn more about the break-and-burn procedure for studying age and growth of otoliths.