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Fishery Management Plan Results

12 results match your filter criteria.

Amendment 34 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan: Groundfish Exclusion Area for Coral Research and Restoration

NOAA Fisheries is proposing regulations to implement Amendment 34 of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan. Amendment 34 and its implementing regulations would implement a closure to commercial groundfish bottom contact gear in Monterey…

Final Rule to Implement Measures to Keep Fishery Impacts within the Conservation Objective for the California Coastal Chinook Salmon

Harvest management measures to ensure that ocean salmon fisheries are managed to promote the conservation of California Coastal Chinook Salmon
August 19, 2024 -

Final Rule for Federal Salmon Regulations for Overfished Species Rebuilding Plans – Snohomish Coho Salmon

Final rule to remove the Snohomish River coho rebuilding plan
May 01, 2024 -

Notice of Opportunity to Submit Public Comments: Proposed Rule: Measures to Keep Fishery Impacts within the Conservation Objective for the California Coastal Chinook Salmon

Harvest management measures are being proposed to ensure that ocean salmon fisheries are managed to promote the conservation of California Coastal Chinook Salmon
April 23, 2024 -

Measures to Keep Fishery Impacts within the Conservation Objective for the California Coastal Chinook Salmon

NOAA Fisheries is implementing management measures to ensure fishery impacts on California Coastal (CC) Chinook salmon remain within the conservation objective to protect this Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) from jeopardy in the Pacific Fishery…

Inseason Actions in 2023-2024 Ocean Salmon Fisheries, North of Cape Falcon Commercial

Inseason action in the pre-May 16, 2024, commercial salmon fisheries north of Cape Falcon
April 23, 2024 -

Inseason Actions in 2023-2024 Ocean Salmon Fisheries, South of Cape Falcon Recreational & Commercial

Inseason action in the Pre-May 16, 2024, recreational and commercial salmon fisheries south of Cape Falcon
March 11, 2024 -

Advance Notice of Electronic Monitoring Regulatory Program

For more information, contact Matt Dunlap, Fishery Policy Analyst, at (206) 316-7944
March 01, 2023 -

Understanding Atlantic Sea Scallops And Ocean Acidification

How will sea scallops and the fishing communities that rely on them fare as the ocean changes?

Atlantic HMS Fishery Management Plans and Amendments

A complete list of the HMS fishery management plan and its amendments.