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Highly Migratory Fish Results

16 results match your filter criteria.

Northeast Shark Research

We conduct shark life history research and long-term monitoring activities essential for stock assessment and management.

Species and Habitat App

Web mapping app that displays and queries spatial data in the West Coast Region for Endangered Species Act ranges, critical habitat designations, and Magnuson-Stevens Act essential fish habitat. Users can generate a printable spatial query report.
April 28, 2024 - Map ,

Dolphinfish Management Strategy Evaluation At-A-Glance

Learn about the dolphinfish management strategy evaluation process.
February 16, 2024 -

Fisheries Ecology in the Northeast

We study the relationship between marine life and their environment to support sustainable wild and farmed fisheries on the Northeast shelf, creating opportunities and benefits for the economy and ecosystem.

Application Period for Limited Entry Deep-set Buoy Gear Permits CLOSES at midnight on August 7, 2023

Reminder of deadline to apply for a limited entry deep-set buoy gear permit under tiers 1-8
July 31, 2023 -

Applications for Deep-set Buoy Gear Permits are Now Available

Information on applying for the new Limited Entry Deep-Set Buoy Gear permit and the DSBG gear endorsements for highly migratory species permits
June 06, 2023 -

Recreational Fishing: A Favorite American Pastime

National Hunting and Fishing Day is September 25. Learn how you can participate in recreational fishing in your state or region.
September 24, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Diver in water with amberjack. Recreational fisherman with amberjack. Credit: Thomas Talbot.

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Regional Vessel Register

The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Regional Vessel Register is a record of vessels authorized to fish for tuna and tuna-like species in the eastern Pacific Ocean. U.S. vessels are subject to requirements to be placed on the IATTC…

Shark Week: Celebrating U.S. Science and Sustainability

Join us for Shark Week 2019 and dive into the world of new research and sustainable shark management.
July 28, 2019 - Feature Story ,
750x500-great-white-shark-Elias Levy-CC-by-2.0.jpg

Permanent Advisory Committee to Advise the U.S. Commissioners to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Meeting

NOAA Fisheries announces a public meeting of the Permanent Advisory Committee (PAC) to advise the U.S. Commissioners to the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPFC)…