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Natural Resources Damage Assessment Results

22 results match your filter criteria.

After Environmental Disasters, NOAA Works to Restore Habitat for All

Habitat restoration isn't just about planting trees—it's about revitalizing and fortifying entire ecosystems to benefit all who rely on them.
July 16, 2024 - Feature Story ,
clusters of oysters in a marsh Through DARRP, NOAA helps restore and reconnect all walks of life to natural spaces, like the oyster reefs shown here. (Photo: NOAA)

Millionth Spiny Superhero Released to Devour Hawaiʻi's Coral-Smothering Algae

One million sea urchins have now been deployed through the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources’ work in partnership with NOAA to restore corals after the M/V Cape Flattery grounded on an Oʻahu reef.
December 06, 2023 - Feature Story ,

Meet Eric Weissberger, Oyster Restoration Coordinator for Deepwater Horizon

Eric Weissberger brings years of expertise as a shellfish biologist to his role as oyster restoration coordinator. He helps the five Gulf states and NOAA work together to rebuild oyster reefs after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
November 15, 2022 - Feature Story ,
a man in a red boat rows in a small harbor. Eric Weissberger is the Oyster Restoration Coordinator for the Deepwater Horizon restoration program.

Innovative Partnerships Fast Track Polluted Portland Harbor Toward Restoration

Through public-private partnerships, restoration banking restores resources affected by pollution in Oregon and helps habitats recover faster.
July 28, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Creek flows between vegetated stream banks The Alder Creek Restoration Project, shown here several years after project construction, is a restoration banking project along Oregon’s Willamette River. Credit: NOAA.

Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment 2021 Programmatic Review

The Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment 2021 Programmatic Review provides an in-depth look at restoration progress in the Gulf of Mexico through the end of 2020.
November 30, 2021 - Other Reports ,
Deepwater Horizon 2021 Programmatic Review Cover

NOAA and Deepwater Horizon Trustees Report on Progress Restoring the Gulf of Mexico

Federal and state agencies are restoring the Gulf after the largest oil spill in the United States. $2.4 billion in settlement funds were committed to habitat and resource restoration through 2020. Settlement payments will continue through 2031.
November 30, 2021 - Feature Story ,
On a Mississippi Gulf Coast beach looking out to the water with a pier. Federal and state partners are committed to periodically re-examining the Deepwater Horizon restoration program through programmatic reviews. Credit: Jeanne Allen/Deepwater Horizon Trustee Council

Restoring Polluted Urban Areas Helps the Environment and Communities Rebound

NOAA and partners have supported communities through restoration at two urban Superfund sites in Massachusetts and Washington. We’re increasing access to parks, and getting locals involved in habitat restoration through training and job opportunities.
November 17, 2021 - Feature Story ,
People canoeing on calm waters. Restoration at the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site included parks and increasing access to the waterfront. Credit: Buzzards Bay Coalition

$99.6 Million Approved to Continue Restoring Gulf-wide Resources Impacted by Deepwater Horizon

Eleven projects aimed at restoring sea turtles, marine mammals, oysters, and birds are approved to move forward in all five Gulf states, and in Mexico.
September 27, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Sea turtle hatchling on the sand in the Gulf of Mexico. The Region-wide plan includes $18.6 million dedicated to four projects to restore sea turtles; one is focused on nesting sites. Credit: Shutterstock

Preserving 1,700 Acres of Habitat to Increase Cape Fear River Basin Resiliency

North Carolina’s Cape Fear River and connected waterways were exposed to hazardous waste. Now NOAA and partners are finding ways to restore impacted areas by purchasing and preserving habitats—leading to increased community and climate resilience.
July 09, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Tidal Forested Wetlands and other vegetation along a shoreline in the Lower Cape Fear River basin. Tidal forested wetlands are included in some of the land acquired in the Cape Fear River basin. Credit: North Carolina Coastal Land Trust

More Than 30 Acres of New Reef Habitat Built Off the Southern California Coast

NOAA and partners built new rocky reef habitat that will provide healthy homes for fish and marine life. This is one of many Southern California projects restoring wetland, reef and other habitats polluted by DDT and PCBs.
December 16, 2020 - Feature Story ,
A tug boat approaching large barge with a pile of boulders off the California coast. A barge of the large rocks for the reef is moved to the project location early during construction in May. Image: Chelsea Muñoz Williams/Vantuna Research Group