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Northeast EcoMon Survey Results

23 results match your filter criteria.

2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey in Photos

Survey scientists get to see all kinds of interesting things while working at sea. Here are some of the sights and scenes they experienced during the 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey season.
October 07, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
A gray gull-like seabird flies just above the surface of the ocean.

2024 Northeast Summer Ecosystem Monitoring Cruise Completed

A delayed start, good coverage of planned stations in the northern survey area, dropped stations in the south.

2024 Northeast Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Cruise Completed

Sampling was expanded off the Mid-Atlantic to capture more plankton for studying ocean acidification.

Winter Sets The Ocean’s Clocks

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik shares how the data she and others collected during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey are an important starting point for understanding the ocean’s clock for the year.
April 10, 2024 - Research ,
A large piece of ocean water sampling gear sits on the side deck of a research vessel while at sea. The ocean is choppy and the sunrise is peeking through the clouds. A choppy morning during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Katey Marancik

The Birds Are Back in Town

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey and was treated to sea bird species she normally doesn’t see during the spring or fall surveys. Puffins and loons and scoters—oh, my!
March 27, 2024 - Survey ,
A small black and white bird with a bright orange beak swims on the ocean’s surface.

A Food Blog For Planktivores

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey sampling plankton. While eating in NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow’s galley, she wondered, “What would a planktivore food blog look like?” So she created one.
March 14, 2024 - Research ,
Three people face the camera at a dinner table with a NOAA logo table cloth. Each person has a plate of food in front of them on the table and a smile on their face.

Welcome Back, Winter EcoMon

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Winter survey season is not for the faint of heart! Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey (EcoMon) and shares the literal ups and downs of trying to get to the survey vessel and out to sea.
March 13, 2024 - Research ,
A person wearing a winter jacket, knit hat and a life jacket stands on the side of a boat taking a photo of another boat with their cell phone.

Ecosystem Monitoring of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf: Survey Details

Every year, we sample the water column over the Northeast U.S. continental shelf throughout the year and make that data accessible to everyone

2023 Field Fresh Blog Photo Gallery

2023 in photos: Our observers, interns, and scientists share field experiences through their blog photos.
January 03, 2024 - Photo Gallery ,
Metal longline hook and snap attached to fishing line laid on a measuring board. The hook has a curved shaft and body, and a sharp barb on its end. The snap resembles a large safety pin and is used to secure the baited hook and line to the mainline used to haul and deploy the gear.

Successful Ecosystem Monitoring Survey Wraps in the Gulf of Maine

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Sampling in the Gulf of Maine nears an end, cruise to collect data in wind energy lease areas on the way home.
July 06, 2023 - Survey ,
Two people at a desk in front of a computer and monitor in a dry lab on a research vessel. The computer displays a dark green vertical line. Kenzi Kimball is in the center of the image, with purple hair bound in a bandanna and wearing a blue hoodie, holding a walkie-talkie to give instructions to a winch operator out on deck. Audy Peoples sits nearest the camera, watching the screen. Audy Peoples (foreground) teaching University of New England student Kenzi Kimball (center) to run the watercast software and communicate with the winch operator. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jerry Prezioso