We addressed the effect of spatial structures on tropical coral reefs across seascapes using community data collected around five uninhabited central Pacific oceanic islands.
Age, growth, mortality, and reproduction information for two tropical goatfish species, Parupeneus barberinus and Mulloidichthys flavolineatus, from the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands.
An assessment of eddies that were identified and tracked within a numerical simulation to better understand their implication on larval retention of reef fish.
When can herbivore management improve outcomes for indo-Pacific coral reefs? Some marine reserves clearly benefit corals, but others have not. When and where might this approach be effective, and what are the key research gaps?
Map and GIS data representing Madison and Swanson sites and Steamboat Lumps, and the Edges fishery management closures to protect Gulf of Mexico reef fish.
Map and GIS data representing the seasonal prohibitions applicable to bottom longline fishing for Gulf reef fish fishery management area in the Gulf of Mexico.