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Sea Turtle Bycatch Results

28 results match your filter criteria.

Tackling Sea Turtle Bycatch with International Fishing Communities

An international program is helping fishers in the Pacific coast of Mexico to reduce bycatch of protected sea turtles.
June 20, 2024 - Podcast ,
A loggerhead turtle swims through bright blue water. The surface is barely visible at the top of the frame. A loggerhead sea turtle swimming in a deep blue open ocean. Credit: Adobe Stock

Supplemental Biological Opinion for Hawaiʻi Shallow-Set Longline Fishery

NOAA Fisheries issued a no-jeopardy supplemental biological opinion on the authorization of the Hawaiʻi shallow-set longline fishery. The supplement considers the potential effects associated with fishing in the Hawaiʻi shallow-set longline…

Summer Flounder Sea Turtle Protection Area Map and GIS Data

Map depicting where summer flounder trawlers in waters off Virginia (south of Cape Charles) and North Carolina must use an approved Turtle Excluder Device.
September 25, 2023 - Map ,

Exploring Solutions for Sea Turtle Bycatch

This Sea Turtle Week, we talk with Barbara Schroeder, National Sea Turtle Coordinator, about bycatch innovations that are helping sea turtles thrive and how we work with fishermen to reduce bycatch.
June 16, 2022 - Podcast ,
Galv_loggerhead_turtle_t._moore_noaa_via_wikimedia_750_500.png Loggerhead turtle. Credit: T. Moore (CC0 1.0)

2022 Standardized Bycatch Reduction Methodology (SBRM) Five-Year Review

All fishery management plans (FMP) must establish a standardized reporting methodology to assess the amount and type of bycatch occurring in the fishery. A review of SBRMs for each FMP must be performed at least once every five years.

Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program 2017-2018 Report to Congress

This report describes the FY17 and FY18 projects that leverage technology to reduce bycatch in the nation's fisheries.

Summer Flounder Trawling Requirements

To protect sea turtles, summer flounder trawlers in waters off Virginia (south of Cape Charles) and North Carolina must use an approved Turtle Excluder Device (TED) installed in a TED extension (a cylinder of webbing in which the TED is installed),…

Virginia Pound Net Regulated Area Map & GIS Data

Map depicting where pound net regulations are in place in Virginia state waters.
August 28, 2019 - Map ,

Large Mesh Gillnet Restricted Area Map & GIS Data

Map of large mesh gillnet regulations enacted to protect sea turtles
August 27, 2019 - Map ,

Atlantic Sea Scallop Turtle Deflector Dredge Regulated Areas Map & GIS Data

Map depicting where Turtle Deflector Dredges must be used when fishing for scallops in waters west of 71° W. long., from the shoreline to the outer boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone, from May 1 through November 30.
August 27, 2019 - Map ,