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Sea Turtle Bycatch Results

28 results match your filter criteria.

Chain Mat-Modified Scallop Dredge Area Map & GIS Data

Map depicting where chain mats must be used when fishing for scallops in waters west of 71° W. long., from the shoreline to the outer boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone, from May 1 through November 30.
August 27, 2019 - Map ,

Bycatch Reduction Device Pictures

Graphic representations of bycatch reduction devices required for use in shrimp trawls fished shoreward of the 100-fathom (183-meter) depth contour in the Gulf of Mexico, and within the EEZ of the South Atlantic region.

Frequently Asked Questions: Release Protocols for Endangered Species Act-Listed Sea Turtles and Smalltooth Sawfish

Protocol for Federally-Permitted Commercial and For-hire Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish and South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Fisheries. Updated 01/2020

NOAA Fisheries Announces New Modifications to Sea Turtle Release Gear for the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery

FB19-027 Gulf of Mexico Fishery Bulletin; For more information, Contact: Kelli O'Donnell, (727) 824-5305,
May 17, 2019 -

Amendment 49: Modify Sea Turtle Release Gear and the Reef Fish Framework Procedure

The final rule for Amendment 49 adds three newly approved sea turtle release devices and updates the regulations to simplify and clarify the specifications for other release gear requirements. The new devices and updates provide more options to fulfill…

Atlantic Sea Scallop Turtle Deflector Dredge and Chain Mat Regulated Areas

To protect sea turtles, chain mats and Turtle Deflector Dredges (TDDs) must be used when fishing for scallops in waters west of 71° W. long., from the shoreline to the outer boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone, from May 1 through November 30…

Amendment of Virginia Pound Net Regulations

NOAA Fisheries issues this final rule amending the Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan (BDTRP) and its implementing regulations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The rule requires the year-round use of modified pound net leaders for…

Ultraviolet Lights May Keep Sea Turtles from Becoming Bycatch

Researchers test a new strategy to prevent turtles from getting entangled in nets.
March 28, 2014 - Research ,

Revised Limits on Sea Turtle Interactions in Hawaii Shallow-set Longline Fishery

In this final rule, NOAA Fisheries revises the annual number of incidental interactions allowed between the Hawaii-based shallow-set pelagic longline fishery, and leatherback and North Pacific loggerhead sea turtles. NOAA Fisheries also makes…

Revisions to Turtle Excluder Device Requirements

This rule revises the turtle excluder device (TED) requirements to allow the use of new materials and to modify existing approved TED designs. Specifically, this rule allows using flat bar, rectangular pipe, and oval pipe as construction material in…