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San Joaquin River Predator Surveys: Bathymetry Metadata

2015 bathymetric data available from Kongsberg M3 multibeam sonar was processed in CARIS Hips & Sips using the configuration described below. Motion data were provided by a POS-MV Wavemaster V4.

2015 bathymetric data available from Kongsberg M3 multibeam sonar was processed in CARIS Hips & Sips using the configuration described below. Motion data were provided by a POS-MV Wavemaster V4.


These data are NOT to be used for navigation.


(+) Vessel Configuration (master and slave transducer heads)
Master config file: M3-SJPS-2015-portside.hvf
Slave config file: M3-SPJS-2015-stbdside.hvf

Master >
Transducer 1
Date Time Time Correction X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Pitch Roll Yaw
2014-103 0 0 -1.246 0.262 1.071 0 0 0
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.79 0.2
Date Time Time Correction X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Ellipsoid
2014-060 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
2014-103 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 0 No
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 No
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 No
Date Time Apply
2015-089 0 No
TPU values
Date Time
2015-089 0
MRU to Trans X -0.2
MRU to Trans2 X 0
MRU to Trans Y -0.1
MRU to Trans2 Y 0
MRU to Trans Z 1.83
MRU to Trans2 Z 0
Nav to Trans X 0.894
Nav to Trans2 X 0
Nav to Trans Y 2.7
Nav to Trans2 Y 0
Nav to Trans Z 0
Trans Roll (deg) -35
Motion Gyro 0.025
Heave % Amp 0.01
Heave 0.05
Roll 0.025
Pitch 0.025
Position Nav 0.5
Timing Trans 0
Nav Timing 0
Gyro Timing 0
Heave Timing 0
Pitch Timing 0
Roll Timing 0
Offset X 0.05
Offset Y 0.05
Offset Z 0.05
Vessel Speed 0.02
Loading 0
Draft 0
Delta Draft 0
MRU Align StdDev gyro 0
MRU Align StdDev Roll/Pitch 0
Date Time Offset X Offset Y Offset Z Pitch Roll Azimuth
2014-103 0 0 0 0 -6 -30.3 -135
2015-089 0 -0.2 2.2 0.3 0 -35 -135
Waterline Height
Date Time Apply Waterline Comments
2015-089 0 Yes 0.35 Previously 0.10

Slave >
Transducer 1
Date Time Time Correction X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Pitch Roll Yaw
2014-103 0 0 -1.246 0.262 1.071 0 0 0
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35 0.16
Date Time Time Correction X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Ellipsoid
2014-060 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
2014-103 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 WG84
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) X (m) Y (m) Z (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 0 0 0 No
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 No
Date Time Time Correction Error (m) Apply
2014-103 0 0 0 No
2015-089 0 0 0 No
Date Time Apply
2015-089 0 No
TPU values
Date Time
2015-089 0
MRU to Trans X 0.2
MRU to Trans Y -0.1
MRU to Trans Z 1.83
MRU to Trans2 Z 0
Nav to Trans X -0.894
Nav to Trans Y 2.7
Nav to Trans2 Y 0
Nav to Trans Z 3.23
Nav to Trans2 Z 0
Trans Roll (deg) 35
Motion Gyro 0.025
Heave % Amp 0.01
Heave 0.05
Roll 0.025
Pitch 0.025
Position Nav 0.5
Timing Trans 0
Nav Timing 0
Gyro Timing 0
Heave Timing 0
Pitch Timing 0
Roll Timing 0
Offset X 0.05
Offset Y 0.05
Offset Z 0.05
Vessel Speed 0.02
Loading 0
Draft 0
Delta Draft 0
MRU Align StdDev gyro 0
MRU Align StdDev Roll/Pitch 0
Date Time Offset X Offset Y Offset Z Pitch Roll Azimuth
2015-089 0 0.2 2.2 0.3 0 35 135
Waterline Height
Date Time Apply Waterline Comments
2015-089 0 Yes 0.35 Previously 0.10

(+) Cruise Dates for surface creation (all date's tracks included):
April 13, 2015
April 14, 2015
April 15, 2015
April 20, 2015

(+) Coordinate System:
EPSG:32610 (UTM WGS84 Zone 10N (126W to 120W))
Datum: WGS_1984
Ellipsoid: WGS_1984

(+) Master M3 files (.all files) Included:

(+) Slave M3 files (.all files) Included:

(+) Surface Creation within CARIS HIPS and SIPS:
Resolution: single; 1m or 2m (depending on resolution in filename)
Surface Type: Swath Angle
Max footprint size: 13 pixels

(+) Surface Cleaning within CARIS HIPS and SIPS:
Unique surfaces for each individual cruise were made and cleaned.
Looking at a maximum of a 7-day window, surfaces were examined and combined to identify the smallest spatial extent of holidays.
A new unique surface from identified dates was created using selected lines from the four (temporally close) cruise dates.

(+) Geotiff information:
Legend applies for 1 meter resolution Geotiffs
Scaled colors -1 to 14 (up is negative, below river surface positive)

Last updated by Southwest Fisheries Science Center on July 20, 2023