Our Location
The Fishery Resource Analysis and Monitoring Division operates out of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center’s facilities in Seattle/Montlake and Newport.
What We Do
We coordinate the Center's programs for fisheries monitoring, fisheries data management, fisheries interactions, fish life history studies, and stock assessment.
We collect and analyze information on the approximately 90 groundfish species regulated under the Pacific Fishery Management Council's Groundfish Fishery Management Plan.
We collect these data on West Coast groundfish and their habitats by conducting field surveys, debriefing observers, and analyzing samples in the lab.
We explore the economic impact of both commercial and recreational fishing and complete stock assessments. These are used to evaluate the status of important West Coast groundfish species.
Our Programs
Economic and Social Science Research
We examine the impact of West Coast fishing on communities and regional economies, including how fishery management decisions affect communities and environmental conditions.
Fisheries Observation Science
We train and deploy independent biologists to collect fisheries landing data from U.S. West Coast fishing vessels.
Groundfish Ecology
We are responsible for collecting the biological, habitat, and population data used to evaluate the health and abundance of West Coast groundfish.
Population Ecology
We provide fishery managers with the population status, distribution, trends, and productivity of West Coast groundfish through stock assessments and rebuilding analyses for overfished species.
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