What We Do
Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery
We are responsible for the conservation, protection, and recovery of more than 150 endangered and threatened marine species under the Endangered Species Act. Our work includes:
Listing species under the ESA
Monitoring species status
Designating Critical Habitat
Recovery of endangered and threatened species
Developing ESA policies, guidance, and regulations
Working with partners to conserve and recover species
Marine Mammal Conservation and Management
We are responsible for the conservation, management, and protection of whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Our work includes:
Conducting marine mammal stock assessments
Developing and implementing conservation plans for species designated as depleted under the MMPA
Minimizing bycatch of marine mammals in commercial fishing gear
Requiring mitigation and monitoring during activities (other than commercial fishing) that result in the incidental take of marine mammals
Developing management approaches to address threats to marine mammals
Sea Turtle Conservation and Management
Since 1977, NOAA Fisheries and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S. FWS) have shared jurisdiction for recovery and conservation of sea turtles listed under the ESA. We lead the conservation and recovery of sea turtles in the marine environment U.S. FWS has the lead for the conservation and recovery of sea turtles on nesting beaches. Our work includes:
Developing plans to direct research and management efforts for sea turtle recovery
Reducing sea turtle bycatch in U.S. commercial fisheries
Addressing other major threats to sea turtle recovery
Working with other countries to facilitate the global conservation and recovery of sea turtles
Marine Life Health and Stranding Response
We are responsible for coordinating networks of professional, authorized individuals and organizations to respond to your reports of sick, injured, entangled, or dead marine animals. Our work includes:
Marine mammal stranding response
Sea turtle stranding response
Entanglement response
Vessel strike response
Conservation medicine
Permitting and Authorizations
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) make it illegal to “take” (as defined by ESA or as defined by MMPA), export, and import these species or their parts.
However, there are some exceptions that make it legal to take, export, or import protected animals, such as marine mammals or sea turtles.
By issuing permits and authorizations, NOAA Fisheries is able to:
Allow important activities to occur that are compliant with the ESA and/or the MMPA
Ensure mitigation measures to reduce the impact of such activities are implemented
Keep track of what activities are occurring and how they impact protected species
Consultations with Federal Agencies under the ESA
Federal agency consultations on activities that may affect endangered and threatened species or their habitats are required under section 7 of the ESA.
Interagency consultations are designed to assist federal agencies in fulfilling their duty to ensure that federal actions (e.g., projects or activities) do not jeopardize the continued existence of a species or adversely impact important habitat.
Funding and Grant Support
NOAA Fisheries has several grant programs that provide funding to qualified applicants that assist us with our missions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act. They include:
Species Recovery Grants (to states and tribes)
John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program