Incidental Take Authorization: Turnagain Marine Construction's Cruise Dock Construction Project in Whittier, Alaska
NOAA Fisheries has issued a renewal incidental harassment authorization to Turnagain Marine Construction to incidentally harass marine mammals incidental to the cruise dock construction project in Whittier, Alaska.
NOAA Fisheries has issued an Incidental Harassment Authorization to Turnagain Marine Construction to incidentally harass marine mammals during construction associated with the Whittier Head of the Bay cruise ship dock project in Whittier, Alaska.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Final Issued Renewal IHA (pdf, 11 pages)
- Final IHA (pdf, 11 pages)
- Initial IHA Final Monitoring Report Appendices (pdf, 678 pages)
- Initial IHA Final Monitoring Report (pdf, 146 pages)
- Biological Opinion (pdf, 110 pages)
- Acoustic Monitoring Plan (pdf, 10 pages)
- Marine Mammal Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (pdf, 48 pages)
- Renewal Application (pdf, 3 pages)
- Application (pdf, 158 pages)
- References (pdf, 9 pages)