The NOAA Seafood Inspection Program offers export certification services to facilitate exports of seafood products that meet the unique requirements of each importing country, and any other specific industry buyer criteria.
We represent the United States in negotiations with other countries regarding their import requirements for seafood products from the United States. These negotiations frequently include the development and modification of certificates to accompany U.S. seafood exports. NOAA Fisheries is the Competent Authority which can issue and sign these certificates in the United States.
If foreign border inspection posts raise questions about a certificate issued by the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program, NOAA will attest to the legitimacy of the certificate and make an effort to answer any questions. NOAA may act as a go-between for communication between the exporting industry and importing authority to quickly address issues that arise when a product is detained from entry. Detentions related to export certificates may arise from simple language translation, varying interpretations of regulations in the importing country, or issues not related to seafood safety.
NOTE: Export certificates must be requested and issued prior to shipment of product.
Export Certification to the European Union
We certify fishery products for export to the European Union. Instructions and requirements are available for both export health certification and Legal Harvest documentation required for export to EU Member Countries.
*Important Note: If products are first being exported to a non-EU country but will subsequently be exported to the EU, they MUST be accompanied by an Legal Harvest catch document.
Export Certification to non-EU countries
We certify U.S. seafood products for export to any country requiring health certification.
See specific instructions and requirements for export to countries A-F
See specific instructions and requirements for export to countries G-M
See specific instructions and requirements for export to countries N-Z
Certificate Requests
Contact the nearest regional inspection office to request a certificate
Export Certification for Samples/Seafood Shows
Please contact your regional inspection office regarding certificate requirements for seafood shows and sample shipments.