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Swordfish—A Sustainable Seafood Choice

The North Atlantic swordfish population has become one of the most sustainable seafood choices thanks to a 1999 international plan that rebuilt this stock several years ahead of schedule.
November 08, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Voices from the Fisheries: Danny Murphy

The Voices from the Fisheries series provides oral history interviews related to commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing in the United States and its territories. This interview spotlights Danny Murphy, a commercial fisherman from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
November 02, 2012 - Podcast ,

More About Fish Stock Assessment Models

We gave you an overview of stock assessment models, but now let's take a closer look at how models work. First, what is a model? A mathematical fish stock assessment model represents the demographics of a harvested fish stock and produces estimates of rel
October 10, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Fish Stock Assessment 101: Part 2—A Closer Look at Stock Assessment Models

Catch, abundance, and biology data feed into mathematical models that represent the factors causing changes in harvested fish stocks.
October 10, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Attributes of the Eastern Chukchi Sea Food Web With Comparisons to Three Northern Marine Ecosystems

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report
October 01, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Genetic Diversity of Captive Broodstock Program for Redfish Lake Sockeye

Despite an extreme bottleneck that nearly decimated the Redfish Lake sockeye population in the early 1990s, the captive broodstock program retained 95% of the population’s genetic diversity.
August 08, 2012 - Feature Story ,
Redfish Lake salmon

Raising Pacific Lamprey Eggs at Mukilteo Research Station

Scientists, tribes collaborate to propagate the declining Pacific lamprey species
July 23, 2012 - Feature Story ,
Multiple lamprey eggs at about one week after fertilization

Fish Stock Assessment 101 Series: Part 1—Data Required for Assessing U.S. Fish Stocks

A biological fish stock is a group of fish of the same species that live in the same geographic area and mix enough to breed with each other when mature.
May 23, 2012 - Feature Story ,

New Biomarker Discovered for Low Levels of Domoic Acid

Scientists discovered new way to detect chronic, low-level exposure to a seafood toxin in marine animals.
May 02, 2012 - Feature Story ,