Alaska Exempted Fishing Permits
An exempted fishing permit (EFP) is a permit issued by the Alaska Region to allow fishing activities that would otherwise be prohibited under federal regulations. These permits are issued for limited experimental purposes to support projects that could benefit fisheries and the environment. Examples of past projects supported by EFPs include the development of new gear types for an underutilized fishery and development of devices that reduce prohibited species bycatch.
How to Apply
The Alaska Regional Office has established an annual application process for Exempted Fishing Permits (EFPs), starting in 2020. There are two application periods.
What Happens After You Submit
The review process depends on the complexity of the project and North Pacific Fishery Management Council's meeting schedule. NOAA Fisheries may need to write an environmental analysis of the impacts of issuing the EFP. This document would support the decision making and inform the public of the EFP project. The Regional Administrator is also required to consult with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council before issuing an EFP. This usually involves a Federal Register notice of the receipt of an application and a presentation of the EFP project at a Council meeting. Applicants should plan on at least 9 to 12 months from the date of application submittal before the EFP is issued.