Priorities for Effective Management of Coral Diseases
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-22
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the type of information needed by resource managers to improve their ability to effectively manage coral diseases, and to discuss impediments hindering progress in coral disease research. Specific examples from the literature highlight some of the existing limitations of available data. The focus of this pape r is on the use of rapid ecological assessments, longterm monitoring, and targeted research to address gaps in the understanding of coral diseases, with a discussion of possible strategies to link coral disease research with management objectives. Descriptions of regional coral disease monitoring protocols and techniques used by scientists illustrate the existing methodologies used to characterize coral disease epizootiology (Appendix A). Priorities for management of diseases identified by the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) in their draft science plan are also summarized (Appendix B).