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Biological Opinion on Authorization of Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fisheries

Authorization of: BSAI groundfish fisheries based on total allowable catch for 2000; GOA groundfish fisheries based on TAC specifications for 2000; both BSAI and GOA groundfish fisheries to implement the American Fisheries Act of 1998.
December 22, 1999 - Biological Opinion ,

Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessments - 1999

Published Date: 1999
December 01, 1999 - Other Reports ,

EA/RIR/FRFA for Final Rule to Implement a Regulatory Amendment to Revise Maximum Retainable Bycatch Percentages for Shortraker/Rougheye and Thornyhead Rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska

Reducing maximum retainable bycatch percentages for shortraker/rougheye and thornyhead rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska
November 02, 1999 - NEPA ,

Marine Aquaculture, Marine Mammals, and Marine Turtles Interactions Workshop Held in Silver Spring, Maryland

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-16 Workshop Date: 12-13 January, 1999
November 01, 1999 - Technical Memo ,

Revised Final Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives for the Pollock Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska with Supporting Documentation

Reasonable and prudent alternatives for the BSAI and GOA pollock fisheries
October 01, 1999 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,

Development of a Process for the Long-term Monitoring of MMPA Category I and II Commercial Fisheries: Proceedings of a Workshop held in Silver Spring, MD

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-14 Workshop Date: June 15-16, 1998
September 01, 1999 - Technical Memo ,

EA/RIR/FRFA of a Regulatory Amendment for a Local Area Halibut Management Plan for Sitka Sound

Analysis of an action to establish a Local Area Management Plan for the halibut fishery in Sitka Sound in the Gulf of Alaska.
August 26, 1999 - NEPA ,

EA/RIR/IRFA for Amendment 60 to the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands FMP, Amendment 58 to the Gulf of Alaska FMP, Amendment 10 to the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Crab FMP - Analysis of Proposed License Limitation Amendment Package

This document examines the impacts of each of the six proposed actions to change the crab and groundfish License Limitation Programs.
July 23, 1999 - NEPA ,