Northeast Fisheries Observer Program alumna Maura Flynn tackles the challenges of working at sea by heeding her own advice during the fall Gulf of Maine Bottom Longline Survey.
Two Northeast Fisheries Science Center scientists visited their Canadian counterparts to measure oxygen consumption in baby sea scallops exposed to ocean temperatures and pH levels expected in the future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), from an ecosystem perspective, and to provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Gulf of Alaska, from an ecosystem perspective, and to provides an assessment of the possible future.
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes historical climate and fishing effects on the shelf and slope regions of the Aleutian Islands (AI) from an ecosystem perspective, and provides an assessment of the possible future.