Gulf of Mexico Exempted Fishing Permits
The following are exempted fishing permits (EFP) that are currently applied for or have been issued for activities in the Gulf of Mexico.
Activities that may affect a fishery, community, or fishing sector may be reviewed by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and be open for public comment. Those EFPs reviewed by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council are listed below.
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Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) and Letters of Acknowledgement (LOA) Application Information
Better Bycatch Reduction Device for the Gulf Shrimp Fleet Project (Update 10/28/2024)
Experimental Shrimp Trawl Bycatch Reduction Device
Commercial Golden Crab Fishing Trap Testing
State Pilot Project for the Management of Recreational Red Snapper Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico
Trap and Device Testing to Harvest Lionfish
Headboat Pilot Program
Mote Marine Lab Red Grouper Full Retention Study
Exempted Fishing Permit: Quantification of Bycatch Composition and Survival in the Commercial Menhaden Purse Seine Fishery