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Great Lakes Results

36 results match your filter criteria.

With Final Stage Complete, NOAA Works Toward a Restored Manistique River

NOAA and partners have completed the final stage of restoration in an effort to remove Michigan’s Manistique River from a list of "toxic hot spots" in the Great Lakes.
January 13, 2020 - Feature Story ,

Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Efforts Recommended for 2019 NOAA Funding

$8.9 million recommended for investment toward Great Lakes habitat restoration will benefit economies, strengthen healthy ecosystems and fisheries, and support resilient communities.
July 18, 2019 - Feature Story ,

NOAA Announces Great Lakes Restoration Funding to Michigan Partners

More than $7 million will support partners’ continued work on next phases of projects restoring Great Lakes habitats.
April 26, 2019 - Feature Story ,

NOAA and Partner Agencies Welcome Fish Back to Michigan Creek after Dam Removal

As part of restoring the Kalamazoo River watershed from hazardous waste contamination, the Alcott Dam was removed from Portage Creek in Michigan, reopening the creek to fish and other wildlife.
March 22, 2019 - Feature Story ,
2019-03 GL alcott dam-portagecreek-stream after 1431x954 Credit USFWS.jpg Michigan's Portage Creek looking upstream toward recently restored habitat. Credit U.S. FWS/Lisa Williams.

NOAA Great Lakes Restoration Funding Opportunity Announced

Update: Due to the Federal Government lapse in appropriations in December 2018 and January 2019, the proposal deadline has been extended to February 12, 2019.
February 01, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Veterans Mem Parkway michigan .jpg

Partners are Revitalizing the Detroit River’s Ecosystem and Supporting a Healthy Economy

NOAA’s Great Lakes partnership with the Friends of the Detroit River is helping the area go from polluted to an international icon of hope for habitat.
July 09, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Friends of Detroit River Stony Island North Shoal 3x2.jpg

Webinar for 2018 Great Lakes Funding Applicants

| 2:00 p.m. Eastern /1:00 p.m. Central

Potential applicants will want to join us for this webinar, Thursday, February 1, 2018. Learn about the 2018 Great Lakes funding opportunity offered through NOAA’s Restoration Center. On January 10, 2018, NOAA released the “NOAA Great Lak


$3 Million in Grants Available for Restoring Healthy Habitats in the Great Lakes

Funding to support native fish, healthy ecosystems, and resilient communities beyond Areas of Concern.
January 11, 2018 - Feature Story ,

The Great Lakes: a National Treasure

A new story map shows the benefits of habitat restoration in the Great Lakes, which benefits people and fish.
November 02, 2017 - Story Map ,