Skates (family Rajidae) are cartilaginous fish related to sharks. At least 15 species of skates in four genera (Raja, Beringraja, Bathyraja, and Amblyraja) are found in Alaskan waters and are common from shallow inshore waters to very deep benthic habitats (Eschmeyer et al 1983; Stevenson et al 2007). In general, Raja species are most common and diverse in lower latitudes and shallower waters from the Gulf of Alaska to the Baja peninsula, while Bathyraja species are most common and diverse in the higher latitude habitats of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, as well as in the deeper waters off the U.S. west coast. Table 1 lists the species found in Alaska, with their depth distributions and selected life history
characteristics, which are outlined in more detail below.