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Protected Species Results

61 results match your filter criteria.

Rice’s Whales Heard in the Western Gulf of Mexico

NOAA Fisheries records evidence of endangered Rice’s whales in the western Gulf of Mexico. These findings demonstrate their regular occurrence in waters offshore of Texas and the first evidence of Rice’s whales offshore of Mexico.
February 13, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Rice’s whale at the surface. Three ridges on the rostrum (dorsal head) of this Rice’s whale. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Laura Dias (Permit #14450)

Pacific Islands Protected Species Workshops

NOAA Fisheries offers protected species workshops for owners and operators of Hawai‘i and American Samoa permitted longline vessels. These workshops cover the safe handling, release, and identification of protected species in the Pacific Islands region.

Meet Some of Our Hawaiian Monk Seal Matriarchs

Honoring trailblazing female monk seals who have significantly helped build the seal population in the main Hawaiian Islands.
March 23, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Hawaiian monk seal and her pup snuggling on each others neck in the waters by the rocks. R006 relaxes with one of her many pups at Kalaupapa, Molokaʻi. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species - Annual Reports

Annual reports and final reports of the Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species.
December 06, 2022 - Publication Database ,

Ecological Genetics and Diversity in the Pacific Northwest

Science support for ongoing conservation and management activities.


Free and Open Source Software for Acoustics

Sea Turtle Ecology and Population Dynamics in the Northeast

Sea turtle ecology research at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Ten Ways NOAA Helps Hawaiian Monk Seals

Our veterinarian and field teams rescue pups, treat injuries, and sometimes even remove eels!
December 10, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Close up of a monk seal laying in foliage with an eel hanging out of its nostril.

Annual Collaborative Climate Science Workshop in the Pacific Islands 2018

| 1:00 PM

The Pacific Islands region convenes an annual climate science workshop to identify regional climate-related questions and solutions.


Annual Collaborative Climate Science Workshop in the Pacific Islands 2017

| 1:00 PM

The Pacific Islands region convenes an annual climate science workshop to identify regional climate-related questions and solutions.
