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Protected Species Results

61 results match your filter criteria.

Multi-Year Study Seeks to Understand Potential Impact of Tour Vessels on Harbor Seals in Alaska's Disenchantment Bay

Scientists work to identify potential impacts of tour vessels on harbor seal populations in the bay.
April 04, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Two seals laying on a sheet of ice in the ocean with more ice in the background.

National Standards for a Protected Species Observer and Data Management Program: A Model Using Geological and Geophysical Surveys

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-49 Published Date: 2013
January 18, 2018 - Technical Memo ,

Whale Science on the High Seas

Six-month research survey of marine life in the Hawaiian Islands wraps up.
December 21, 2017 - Feature Story ,
A spinner dolphin leaps clear out of turquoise waters that almost match the clear blue sky. Spinner dolphin leaping out of the water. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Paula Olson (Permit #20311)

Northern Fur Seal Food Study - Post 6

Northern Fur Seal Food Study

Dinner from a seal’s point of view.
November 20, 2017 - Survey ,
Point of view of a seal with a tracker swimming in open water.

Alaska Stock Assessments

A variety of data are input into computer models to estimate population size and trends for fish, crabs and marine mammals generating a stock assessment report. Research surveys provide biological, ecological and environmental data. Independent fishery observers collect information on commercial fisheries catches. We also compile socio-economic data on fishing communities.
Scientists working on deck of research vessel

Fishing Gear: Turtle Excluder Devices

Turtle excluder devices promote sea turtle conservation by addressing interactions between sea turtles and trawl fishing gear.

Fishing Gear: Traps and Pots

Traps and pots are submerged three-dimensional wire or wood devices that permit organisms to enter the enclosure but make escape extremely difficult or impossible.

Fishing Gear: Skimmer Trawls

Vessels with skimmer trawls push nets in shallow, nearshore waters.