Sustainable Fisheries
Sustainable Fisheries
U.S. fisheries are big business, providing jobs and recreation and keeping our coastal communities vibrant. In fact, the United States is a global leader in responsibly managed fisheries and sustainable seafood. Working closely with commercial, recreational, and small-scale tribal fishermen, we have rebuilt numerous fish stocks and managed to create some of the most sustainably managed fisheries in the world.
U.S. fisheries are scientifically monitored, regionally managed, and legally enforced under 10 national standards of sustainability. Managing sustainable fisheries is a dynamic process that requires constant and routine attention to new scientific information that can guide management actions.
Featured News

Global Extinction Risk for Sharks and Rays Is High, United States may Provide Haven

U.S. Leads Pacific Tuna Commission Action on Climate Change and Rebuilding Plan for North Pacific Striped Marlin
Notices & Rules
9.3 billion pounds of seafood
In 2019, U.S. commercial fishermen landed 9.3 billion pounds of seafood valued at $5.5 billion.
47 stocks rebuilt since 2000
NOAA Fisheries manages 461 stocks or stock complexes in 46 fishery management plans.
1.7 million jobs and $253 billion in sales
We monitor, protect, and sustainably manage the nation’s fisheries, which generated $253 billion in sales impacts and created 1.7 million jobs in the U.S. marine fishing sector and across the broader economy in 2020.
Magnuson-Stevens Act
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters. Key objectives of the Act are to prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, increase long-term economic and social benefits, and ensure a safe and sustainable supply of seafood.
Fishing and seafood are vital to our economy and coastal communities. We use data collection, assessments, and research to evaluate the benefits and costs of how we manage fisheries, to help us prioritize management needs, and to facilitate policy that maximizes societal benefits from ocean and coastal resources.
Fishermen sometimes catch and discard animals they do not want, cannot sell, or are not allowed to keep—this is collectively known as bycatch. Unwanted catch is an ecological and economic issue, and we work with partners and fishermen to avoid bycatch or safely release unintended catch.
Catch Shares
Catch shares dedicate a secure share of fish to individual fishermen, cooperatives, or fishing communities for their exclusive use. By allowing catch share holders to fish until they reach their quota, fishermen have an economic incentive to catch their allocation at the least cost by planning around the weather, markets, or other business considerations.
Stock Assessments
Our scientific stock assessments are critical to modern fisheries management. Using data gathered from commercial and recreational fishermen and our own on-the-water scientific observations, a stock assessment describes the past and current status of a fish population or stock, answers questions about the size of the stock, and makes predictions about how a fishery will respond to current and future management measures.
Foreign Trade
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade in fishery products. Users can summarize the kilos and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade. This data comes from the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, which is responsible for compiling information submitted by importers and exporters to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Understanding Fisheries Management in the United States
NOAA Fisheries is responsible for managing marine fisheries within the U.S. exclusive economic zone. Learn more about the sustainable management of our marine fisheries.


What Fish Stock Rebuilding Means to Communities
Status of U.S. Fisheries
As part of our mission to promote productive and sustainable fisheries, and as directed by the Magnuson-Stevens Act, we work to sustain commercial fishing in U.S. federal waters by studying fisheries and providing guidance and support to regional fishery management councils. We gather and compile data and information into three key annual reports:
- Fisheries of the United States
- Fisheries Economics of the United States
- Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries
Fisheries of the United States
This publication is the yearbook of fishery statistics for the United States. The report provides data on a variety of fishery-related issues, including U.S. recreational catch and commercial landings, the U.S. processing industry, foreign trade, domestic supply, and per capita consumption. These data are produced annually.
All Fisheries of the United States reports
Raw catch landings data used in this report
Fisheries Economics of the United States
This annual report highlights the economic benefits of U.S. fisheries to our national economy. It tracks economic trends of the commercial fishing and seafood industry, recreational fishing industry, and other marine related sectors. Analyzing this cross-section of the fishing industry offers an overall picture of the economic benefits provided by each sector.
All Fisheries Economics of the United States reports
Learn more about our socioeconomics work
Status of the U.S. Fish Stocks
To manage fisheries sustainably, we rely on an adaptive process based on sound science, innovative management approaches, effective enforcement, and meaningful partnerships. More formally known as the Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries, this annual report provides a ‘snapshot’ in time of the status of U.S. fisheries showing the results of the combined efforts of NOAA Fisheries, regional fishery management councils, and other partners to end overfishing under the MSA. By ending overfishing and rebuilding stocks, we are strengthening the value of U.S. fisheries to the economy, our communities, and marine ecosystems.
Status of U.S. Fish Stocks 2023 Full Report
Stock Status Updates
We use stock assessments and other data, to determine whether a fish stock’s population size is too small (overfished) or the annual rate of catch is too high (overfishing). We report these status determinations quarterly to provide fisheries managers and the public with an account of how well current fisheries management measures are working.
U.S. marine fisheries are the largest in the world—covering 4.4 million square miles of ocean. In the United States, we manage fisheries to support our domestic seafood supply, protect ecosystem health and sustainability, create jobs and support economic and social benefits, and provide fishing opportunities for all types of fishermen.
Learn more about fisheries management in the United States
Magnuson-Stevens Act
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act is the primary law governing marine fisheries management in U.S. federal waters. Key objectives of the MSA are to prevent overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, increase long-term economic and social benefits, and ensure a safe and sustainable supply of seafood.
Learn more about the Magnuson-Stevens Act
Go to current regulations for Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries in the Code of Federal Regulations
Regional Fishery Management Councils
The MSA created eight regional fishery management councils responsible for the fisheries in their region that require conservation and management. The councils develop and amend fishery management plans, set annual catch limits, develop research priorities, implement rebuilding plans, and conduct public meetings.
Find your regional fishery management councils
We work closely with the Marine Fisheries Commissions and their member states to collect data and manage fisheries resources in shared coastal regions:
Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
Introduced in the 1990s, ecosystem-based fisheries management has evolved to become a cornerstone of our efforts to sustainably manage the nation’s marine resources. Unlike traditional fishery management approaches, ecosystem-base fisheries management provides a more holistic approach to fisheries management—one that takes into account the complex suite of biological, physical, economic, and social factors associated with managing living marine resources.
Guiding Principles
Implement ecosystem-level planning.
Advance our understanding of ecosystem processes.
Prioritize vulnerabilities and risks of ecosystems and their components.
Explore and address trade-offs within an ecosystem.
Incorporate ecosystem considerations into management advice.
Maintain resilient ecosystems.
Learn more about ecosystem-based fishery management
Catch Shares
Catch shares dedicate a secure share of fish to individual fishermen, cooperatives, or fishing communities for their exclusive use. By allowing catch share holders to fish until they reach their quota, fishermen have an economic incentive to catch their allocation at the least cost by planning around the weather, markets, or other business considerations.
Managing fisheries sustainably is an adaptive process that relies on sound science, innovative management approaches, effective enforcement, meaningful partnerships, and robust public participation. Effective fishery management starts with accurate scientific information about fish and fisheries. In fact, U.S. law requires that fishery managers use the best science available to make fishery management decisions.
Stock Assessments
Our scientific stock assessments are critical to modern fisheries management. Using data gathered from commercial and recreational fishermen and our own on-the-water scientific observations, a stock assessment describes the past and current status of a fish population or stock, answers questions about the size of the stock, and makes predictions about how a fishery will respond to current and future management measures.
Learn more about our scientific stock assessments
Cooperative Research
Cooperative research provides a means for commercial and recreational fishermen to become involved in the collection of fundamental fisheries information to support the development and evaluation of management options. In cooperative research, industry and other stakeholders can partner with NOAA Fisheries and university scientists, in all phases of the research program, including survey/statistical design, conducting of research, analysis of results, and communication of results.
Learn more about our cooperative research efforts
Economics and Social Science
We use economic and social science research to evaluate the benefits and costs of different management actions, to prioritize management needs, and to create policy design that maximizes societal benefits from ocean and coastal resources in a sustainable way. Commercial fisheries economic analysis includes:
- Estimating harvest of target species and marketable bycatch species
- Predicting bycatch of protected species
- Assessing fishing capacity and the cost of reducing overcapacity
- Predicting entry/exit into fisheries
- Determining the contribution of commercial fishing to local, state and national economies
Learn more about our economic and social science research
Commercial Landings
We maintain a national database of U.S. commercial fishery landings data dating back to 1950. Updated weekly, this dataset includes landings made by the domestic fishing fleet in the United States. Landings made by U.S. vessels in territories and foreign ports are not included. You can search annual landings data by region, state, and species.
Learn more about commercial fishery landings
Fisheries Information System
To support sound science and effective stewardship of our living marine resources, we work collaboratively through partnerships to provide every fisheries data stakeholder with easy access to comprehensive information on the nation's fisheries. We work to continuously improve the quality, timeliness, and integrity of fishery dependent data collection, storage, and dissemination programs.
Learn more about the Fisheries Information System
Foreign Trade (Imports and Exports)
We maintain a foreign trade database dating back to 1975 that allows users to summarize U.S. foreign trade in fishery products. Users can summarize the kilos and dollar value by year, product, country, and type of trade. This data is purchased from the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, which is responsible for compiling information submitted by importers and exporters to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Learn more about foreign trade
Market News
Fishery Market News is a joint federal/industry program that provides accurate and unbiased reports depicting current conditions affecting the trade in fish and fishery products. Market News takes the pulse of the market. Other services might try to diagnose the market, but Market News merely observes, records, and reports on current conditions. With offices located in Boston, Long Beach, New Orleans, New York, and Seattle, you can find the a wealth of information in Market News including nationwide reports and as well as reports from Japan.
Fishery Products
We conduct an annual survey of all seafood processors that operate in the United States. This is the only comprehensive survey of the U.S. seafood processing industry and is the source of all regional and national statistics describing this portion of the industry. Reports generated from these statistics include Fisheries of the United States and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's yearbook—Fishery Statistics-Commodities. Data is also used for calculating annual U.S. seafood consumption for determining the value-added margins and consumer expenditures related to commercial fisheries and in the assessment of the impacts of changes in fishery management plans and the impacts of natural disasters. Industry trade organizations and members of the industrial and financial communities use the data to make business decisions affecting the fishing and seafood industries.
Learn more about our annual survey fishery products
Marine Recreational Information Program
The Marine Recreational Information Program is the state-regional-federal partnership responsible for developing, improving, and implementing surveys that measure how many trips saltwater anglers take and how many fish they catch. This vital information, combined with other data such as commercial catch and biological research, enables scientists and managers to assess and maintain sustainable U.S. fish stocks.
Learn more about the Marine Recreational Information Program