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Division / Root Project Title Cat ID
Auke Bay Laboratories AFSC/ABL: 1996 Brood year Steelhead growth and early life-history transitions 17262
AFSC/ABL: 2005 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24854
AFSC/ABL: 2006 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24856
AFSC/ABL: 2006 Sockeye genetics 17259
AFSC/ABL: 2007 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24858
AFSC/ABL: 2007-2013 Chinook Salmon Bycatch Sample 23652
AFSC/ABL: 2008 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24860
AFSC/ABL: 2009 Chinook Excluder Samples 28092
AFSC/ABL: 2009 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24862
AFSC/ABL: 2010 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24864
AFSC/ABL: 2011 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24866
AFSC/ABL: 2012 Chum Salmon Bycatch Sample Analysis Bering Sea 24868
AFSC/ABL: ACES-SHELFZ (Arctic Coastal Ecosystem Survey AND Shelf Habitat and EcoLogy of Fish and Zooplankton) Catch Database 23736
AFSC/ABL: Adult Pink Salmon Predation in Prince William Sound and Southeast Alaska, 2009-2011 27787
AFSC/ABL: Auke Bay Climatology 1959-2013 17284
AFSC/ABL: Autonomous underwater vehicle for tracking acoustically-tagged fish 2010 17147
AFSC/ABL: Blackspotted and rougheye rockfish genetics and age data from RACE trawl surveys 17286
AFSC/ABL: Chinook allozyme baseline 17235
AFSC/ABL: Chum salmon allozyme baseline 17236
AFSC/ABL: Chum salmon bycatch genetic stock identification 1994-1995 Bering Sea 17237
AFSC/ABL: Chum salmon length and weight monitoring at Fish Creek (Hyder, AK), Chilkat River (Haines, AK), Olsen Creek (Cordova, AK), and Quilcene River (Quilcene, WA) 17278
AFSC/ABL: Coldwater coral growth 17269
AFSC/ABL: Deep-Water Longline Survey for Giant Grenadier and Sablefish in the Western Gulf of Alaska 17234
AFSC/ABL: Delta Submersible Dive Video Archive in Alaska, 1988-2009 28086
AFSC/ABL: Eastern Bering Sea (BASIS) Coastal Research on Juvenile Salmon 17290
AFSC/ABL: Eastern Bering Sea (BASIS) Coastal Research on Juvenile Salmon (Oceanography and Zooplankton data) 17291
AFSC/ABL: Eastern Bering Sea (BASIS) Coastal Research on Juvenile Salmon (TSG-thermosalinigraph data) 17292
AFSC/ABL: Electronic archival tag returns for sablefish, shortspine thornyhead (SST), Greenland turbots, spiny dogfish, and ling cod 17216
AFSC/ABL: Embryonic development of quillback rockfish 17226
AFSC/ABL: Exxon Valdez Trustee Hydrocarbon Database 17283
AFSC/ABL: Female Giant Grenadier maturity 17227
AFSC/ABL: Fish, Energy, Diet, and Zooplankton (FEDZ) Laboratory Database 27937
AFSC/ABL: Frederick Sound Echo-integrated Trawl Survey, 2001 to 2004 27710
AFSC/ABL: Genetic Analysis of Immature Bering Sea Chum Salmon: Part I. Baseline Evaluation 17219
AFSC/ABL: Genetic analysis of juvenile chum salmon from the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait 17241
AFSC/ABL: Genetic data for juvenile chum salmon samples collected in the eastern Bering Sea on the U.S. BASIS cruises during 2003-2007. 23673
AFSC/ABL: Genetic stock identification of sockeye salmon captured near Unalaska Island - 1998 17260
AFSC/ABL: Glacier Bay Harbor Seal Survey, 2004-2007 27711
AFSC/ABL: Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC) fish and oceanography data 17242
AFSC/ABL: Gulf of Alaska Diel Trawl Survey, 2005-2006 17231
AFSC/ABL: Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea Capelin Microsatellite data, 2005 & 2007 17232
AFSC/ABL: Immature chum salmon allozyme ID of mixed stocks 17238
AFSC/ABL: Intra-annual growth in body weight of chum salmon captured incidentally in the Bering Sea commercial fishery for walleye pollock 23671
AFSC/ABL: Juvenile chum salmon allozyme stock identification, Bering Sea 2002 17239
AFSC/ABL: Juvenile chum salmon allozyme stock identification, Gulf of Alaska 2000-2004 17240
AFSC/ABL: Juvenile rockfish DNA species identification 17252
AFSC/ABL: Juvenile rockfish habitat utilization 17270
AFSC/ABL: Karluk sockeye salmon scale time series 17247
AFSC/ABL: Lipid Dataset of Alaskan fish, marine mammals, and invertebrates 17285
AFSC/ABL: Little Port Walter Marine Research Station Supply Run Oceanographic Observations 17272
AFSC/ABL: Little Port Walter temperature (fresh and saltwater) and salinity, 1997 to present 17273
AFSC/ABL: Longline Sablefish Survey 17218
AFSC/ABL: Longline Survey Special Projects 27707
AFSC/ABL: Lynn Canal Echo-Integrated Trawl Surveys, 2001-2004 27709
AFSC/ABL: Lynn Canal Overwinter Acoustic Survey, 2004-2005 27708
AFSC/ABL: Marine Debris Surveys in Alaska, 1972-2015 26949
AFSC/ABL: Movements of Yukon River Chinook salmon 17267
AFSC/ABL: Multibeam Database 17287
AFSC/ABL: NPRB project 1106 Improved aging estimates for spiny dogfish 24030
AFSC/ABL: Naknek sockeye salmon scale time series 17249
AFSC/ABL: National Marine Fisheries Service - Alaska Sablefish Tag Database 17229
AFSC/ABL: Nearshore Fish Atlas of Alaska 17274
AFSC/ABL: Ocean Acidification in Southeast Alaska 26972
AFSC/ABL: Origins of salmon seized from the F/V Arctic Wind 17244
AFSC/ABL: Origins of salmon seized from the F/V Petropavlovsk 17245
AFSC/ABL: Origins of sockeye and chum salmon seized from the F/V Ying Fa 17246
AFSC/ABL: Pink salmon data collected at Sashin Creek Weir 1934-2002 17256
AFSC/ABL: Population structure of odd- and even-broodline Asian pink salmon 17250
AFSC/ABL: Rockfish Barotrauma 24703
AFSC/ABL: Rockfish Habitat Dive Video Transects 25151
AFSC/ABL: Rockfish allozyme species identification (Sebastes aleutianus and borealis) 17251
AFSC/ABL: Sablefish longline survey gillnet data 17225
AFSC/ABL: Salisbury Sound sponge recovery 17268
AFSC/ABL: Salmonid migrations at Auke Creek, Alaska 17271
AFSC/ABL: Seafloor Habitat Assessment 17288
AFSC/ABL: ShoreZone Ground Stations, web-posted database in ArcGIS 17257
AFSC/ABL: Sockeye salmon allozyme baseline - 1982-1990 17261
AFSC/ABL: Southeast Alaska Estuaries Data 27747
AFSC/ABL: Southeast Coastal Monitoring Project - CTD database 17276
AFSC/ABL: Southeast Coastal Monitoring Survey (SECM)-juvenile salmon and associated epipelagic ichthyofauna in the marine waters of Southeast Alaska 17275
AFSC/ABL: Southeast and Prince William Sound, Alaska Herring Microsatellite data, 2007-2008 17243
AFSC/ABL: Stock composition, timing, and spawning distribution of Yukon River Chinook salmon 17266
AFSC/ABL: Taku chum salmon project diet and energy database 17263
AFSC/ABL: The Gulf of Alaska Survey, 2010 to 2017 27762
AFSC/ABL: Ugashik sockeye salmon scale time series 17264
AFSC/ABL: Young of the year sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) voucher otoliths 1995-2004. 17265
AFSC/ABL: Yukon Chinook Salmon Swimming Depth and Water Temperature 2002-2004 67520
AFSC/ABL: Yukon Delta Juvenile Chinook Salmon - Offshore 27975
AFSC/ABL: Yukon Delta Juvenile Chinook Salmon - River, 2014-2015 28080
AFSC/ABL:Coded-wire tag (CWT) database for NOAA Fisheries, Alaska 17279
Fisheries Management and Analysis Division AFSC/FMA/ATLAS Remote Client 7283
AFSC/FMA/CAMS Data Objects 17195
AFSC/FMA/Current Observer Data Interface 28125
AFSC/FMA/Electronic Monitoring (EM) Data Transformation 56767
AFSC/FMA/NPRB Alternative Catch Monitoring Table and Column Definitions 18964
AFSC/FMA/NPRB Halibut Bycatch Video Field Test 7435
AFSC/FMA/North Pacific Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program, Post 2008 Fishery Statistics. 7284
AFSC/FMA/North Pacific Observer Debriefed Data Presentation Layer (OBSINT) 10657
AFSC/FMA/North Pacific Observer Domestic Data Dictionary 9603
AFSC/FMA/North Pacific Observer Foreign Fishing 9556
AFSC/FMA/Observer Declare and Deploy (Resturcture) 18871
AFSC/FMA/Observer Logistics System (OLS) 12269
AFSC/FMA/Salmon Genetics From Observer Specimens 27650
AFSC/FMA/Vessel Assessment Logging 24074
National Marine Mammal Laboratory A Dataset for Machine Learning Algorithm Development 63322
A Dataset from Bio-Loggers Deployed on Adult Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus) in Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, USA (2009-2012) 47176
A Dataset from Bio-loggers Deployed on Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) in Cook Inlet, Alaska (2004-2007) 28173
A Dataset of Aerial Survey Counts of Harbor Seals in Iliamna Lake, Alaska: 1984-2013 24457
AFSC/MML: Acoustics long-term passive monitoring using moored autonomous recorders in the Bering, Chukchi, and Western Beaufort Seas, 2007-2023 17343
AFSC/MML: Acoustics short-term passive monitoring using sonobuoys in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering, Chukchi, and Western Beaufort Seas, Summer 2007-2018 17346
AFSC/MML: Distribution and abundance of Southeast Alaska harbor porpoise, 2019 69383
AFSC/MML: Eastern Bering Sea Beluga Whale Aerial Surveys, 1992-1995, 1999-2000 67735
AFSC/MML: Marine Mammal Aerial Surveys in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, and Amundsen Gulf, 1979-2021 17338
AFSC/NMML Location-only satellite telemetry data for North Pacific Humpback Whales in the Bering Sea, 2007 - 2011 28149
AFSC/NMML Location-only satellite telemetry data for gray whales in the Bering and Chukchi Sea, 2012-2013 28151
AFSC/NMML with NPRB: Whale broad-scale distribution in southeastern Bering Sea, 2008 and 2010 25128
AFSC/NMML with NPRB: Location-only satellite telemetry data for North Pacific Right Whales, Bering Sea, 2008 - 2009 25633
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: California Current Ecosystem Program and Cascadia Research Collective: Aerial and small boat line transect data in waters of OR/WA/BC from 1989, 1990, 1991, 1996, 1997, 2002, and 2003 25797
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: California sea lion adult male migration locations, 1995-2000 56465
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Capture and resight data of California sea lions in Washington State, 1989 to 2006 18600
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Channel Islands Pinniped Census 28093
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Characterizing and quantifying California sea lion and Pacific harbor seal use of offshore oil and gas platforms in California, 2013-2015 26353
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Diet of Pacific harbor seals at Umpqua River, Oregon and Columbia River, Oregon/Washington during 1994 through 2005 28079
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Food Habits of Pinnipeds at San Miguel Island, California 28118
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Food habits of California sea lions in Washington, 1986 - 1999 18599
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Food habits of Steller sea lions in Washington, 1993 - 1999 18598
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Gray whale survey and sightings ranging from California to Kodiak Island, Alaska conducted by the Marine Mammal Laboratory from 1993-07-05 to 2014-10-24 28117
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Harbor seal demography in Washington; capture, tagging, branding data from 1981 to 2007 17598
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Hookworm Intensity of Infection in California sea lion and Northern Fur Seal Pups in California, 1996 through 2008 25769
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Natality rates of California sea lions at San Miguel Island, California during 1987-2008 17605
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Northern fur seal demography at San Miguel Island, California, 1974 - 2014 17606
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Raw telemetry data for California sea lions and northern fur seals in waters off California, Oregon, and Washington 17897
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Sampling locations for harbor seal genetics in Washington and British Columbia 32188
AFSC/NMML/CCEP: Survival Rate of California sea lions at San Miguel Island, California from 1987-2009 28688
AFSC/NMML: Beluga whale Counts from Aerial Surveys in Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1993-2022 26317
AFSC/NMML: Beluga whale aerial survey in Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1993-2022 17335
AFSC/NMML: Bowhead Whale Aerial Abundance Survey off Barrow, Alaska, Spring 2011 17334
AFSC/NMML: Bowhead Whale Feeding Ecology Study (BOWFEST): Aerial Survey in Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, 2007-2011 17336
AFSC/NMML: Bowhead whale aerial surveys and photography near Barrow, Alaska, from 1979-1992 17337
AFSC/NMML: Bristol Bay Beluga hearing sensitivity, August 2012 and 2014 25229
AFSC/NMML: Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program Humpback Whale Catalog 17942
AFSC/NMML: Cetacean line-transect survey in the Gulf of Alaska, 2003 26084
AFSC/NMML: Cetacean line-transect survey in the eastern Bering Sea shelf; 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2004 26276
AFSC/NMML: Cook Inlet Beluga Opportunistic Sightings, 1975 to 2015 26320
AFSC/NMML: Distribution of cetaceans in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, 2010-2015 17941
AFSC/NMML: Dtag Bristol Bay Beluga Data, May 2011 and August 2014 25228
AFSC/NMML: Killer Whale encounter data in the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, and the western and central Gulf of Alaska from 2000 - 2010 17342
AFSC/NMML: Killer whale surveys in the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, and western and central Gulf of Alaska, 2001 - 2010 17410
AFSC/NMML: Known human-caused marine mammal injury and mortalities from 2007 to present 26375
AFSC/NMML: North Pacific Killer whale genetic dataset, 1990-2010 17341
AFSC/NMML: North Pacific Right Whale Photo-ID Catalog 17940
AFSC/NMML: North Pacific Right Whale Vessel Surveys in the Southeastern Bering Sea, 2007 - 2011 17345
AFSC/NMML: North Pacific right whale aerial surveys in the southeastern Bering Sea, 2008-2009. 17344
AFSC/NMML: Platforms of Opportunity Program (POP): 1950 - present 17407
AFSC/NMML: Shore-based counts of the Eastern North Pacific gray whale stock from central California, 1967 - 2007 25525
AFSC/NMML: Small cetacean aerial survey in Alaskan waters, 1997-1999 26315
AFSC/NMML: Southeast Alaska Cetacean Vessel Surveys, 1991 - 2012 17370
AFSC/NMML: Video Analysis for Group Count and Calf Proximity of Beluga Whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska, 2005 - 2022 25718
Aerial Survey Counts of Harbor Seals in Coastal Alaska (1998-2002) 26740
Aerial Survey Counts of Harbor Seals in Coastal Alaska (2003-2011) 26741
Aerial Survey Trend Counts of Harbor Seals in Coastal Alaska (1984-2006) - ADF&G 26619
Alaska Harbor Seal Aerial Survey Units 17349
Alaska Harbor Seal Glacial Surveys 17348
Alaska Harbor Seal Haul-out Locations 26760
Alaska Harbor Seal Stocks 47515
Alaska Northern Fur Seal Adult Satellite Telemetry Data, 2002/03 and 2009/10 28420
Alaska Northern Fur Seal Foraging Habitat Model Stable Isotope Data, 2006-2008 28699
Alaska Northern Fur Seal Stomach Contents from Pelagic Collections 1981-1985 26912
Alaska Northern Fur Seal Tag Data, 1992-2017 27635
Alaska Phocid Food Habits 17353
Alaska Phocid Health and Disease 17355
Alaska Phocid Morphometrics 17350
Alaska Phocid Table of Wild Captures and Specimens Collected 28213
Alaska Steller Sea Lion Food Habits Data 1990-2009 26855
Alaska Steller Sea Lion Non-pup Count Database 24582
Alaska Steller Sea Lion Pup Count Database 24573
Alaska Steller sea lion capture, marking, and handling data 1985-2018 17918
Alaska Steller sea lion pup serum chemistry and hematology values, 1998-2011 24630
Alaska juvenile Steller Sea Lion Telemetry Dataset from the Eastern Aleutian Islands, 2000-2002 27455
Alaska northern fur seal adult male satellite telemetry data, 2009-2010 27456
Arctic Aerial Calibration Experiments (ACEs), Beaufort Sea, 2015 57143
Bearded Seal Distribution 28177
Bering Sea Helicopter Surveys for Ice-Associated Seals (2007-08) 17354
Bering-Okhotsk Seal Survey (BOSS) Color Imagery (2012-13) 28317
Bering-Okhotsk Seal Survey (BOSS) Identified Hot Spots (2012-13) 28316
Bering-Okhotsk Seal Survey (BOSS) On-Effort Flight Tracks (2012-13) 28315
Chukchi and East Siberian Surveys (ChESS): Joint U.S.-Russian Aerial Surveys for Ice-Associated Seals and Polar Bears, 2016 46153
Counts of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) and effort data obtained on aerial transects flown over the eastern Bering Sea from 10-16 April 2012. 45879
Data from "Crossing to safety: Dispersal, colonization and mate choice in evolutionarily distinct populations of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus." 29818
Description of Specimens in the Marine Mammal Osteology Reference Collection 26909
Development and field testing of satellite-linked fluorometers for marine mammals 28133
Marine Mammal Food Habits Reference Collection, 1995-2018 17406
Northern fur seal foraging behavior and prey fields in the Bering Sea, Alaska during July-October 2006 30382
Northern fur seal foraging strategies, Bogoslof and St. Paul Islands 2004-2006 28662
Northern fur seal pup production, adult male counts and harvest data for the Pribilof Islands, Alaska 1909 to Present 17917
Northern fur seal pup weights, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1957-present 17916
Ribbon Seal Distribution 28181
Ringed Seal Distribution 28179
Satellite Telemetry Dataset (Raw): Juvenile Bearded and Spotted Seals, 2004-2006, Kotzebue, Alaska 50838
Sightings of marked Alaska Steller sea lions throughout their range, 1987-2014 17920
Sound recordings and echolocation logs from Tuxedni Bay and Chinitna Bay, Cook Inlet, Alaska, September 2021 to September 2022 72248
Spotted Seal Distribution 28183
Steller sea lion haulout and rookery locations in the United States 17921
Steller sea lion satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, 2000-2013 28214
Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division 2015 Pollock Acoustic/Trawl Survey Gulf of Alaska EK60 Raw Data 28019
AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - EcoFOCI biological and environmental data collected in the U.S. west coastal area, Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea in 1972, and yearly from 1977 - present 26275
AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Genetics analyses performed in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska 2009 - 2010 26576
AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Walleye Pollock larvae condition data measured in support of EcoFOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the southeastern Bering Sea and western Gulf of Alaska from 2007 to 2014 28298
AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: NPRB project number 926: Assessing the condition of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae in the eastern Bering Sea with muscle-based flow cytometry cell cycle analysis 12673
AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: NPRB_1220:Mitochondrial DNA-based identification of eggs, larvae and dietary components of commercially and ecologically important fish species and selected invertebrates in the northeast Pacif 21948
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Copeman: Effect of temperature and tissue type on fatty acid signatures of two species of North Pacific juvenile gadids: A laboratory feeding study 28069
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Contrasting coastal and shelf nursery habitats of Pacific cod in the southeastern Bering Sea 28068
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Distributional patterns of 0-group Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the eastern Bering Sea under variable recruitment and thermal conditions 26938
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Effects of elevated CO2 levels on eggs and larvae of a North Pacific flatfish 28067
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Effects of ocean acidification on hatch size and larval growth of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) 27860
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Resiliency of juvenile walleye pollock to projected levels of ocean acidification 28065
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Hurst: Thermal reaction norms for growth vary among cohorts of Pacfic cod (Gadus macrocephalus) 28066
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Laurel: Effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on polychaete worm tubes and age-0 flatfish distribution 28063
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Laurel: Role of temperature on lipid/fatty acid composition in Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) eggs and unfed larvae 28062
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Laurel: Substrate preference and delayed settlement in northern rock sole larvae Lepidopsetta polyxystra 28064
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Laurel: The effects of temperature on growth, development and settlement of northern rock sole larvae (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) 27935
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Ottmar: Thermal effects on swimming activity and habitat choice in juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) 28070
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Ryer: Depth distribution, habitat associations, and differential growth of newly settled southern Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) in embayments around Kodiak Island, Alaska 28061
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Ryer: Growth and distributional correlates of behavior in three co-occurring juvenile flatfishes 27933
AFSC/RACE/FBEP/Ryer: Polychaete worm tubes modify juvenile northern rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra depth distribution in Kodiak nurseries 28060
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Conrath: Delayed discard mortality of the North Pacific giant octopus 27998
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Conrath: Notes on the Reproductive Biology of Female Salmon Sharks in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean 28003
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Conrath: Reproduction of Groundfish 27999
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Conrath: Rockfish habitat and productivity (Coral) 28001
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Hoff: NPRB_Oceanographic data from EBS upper continental shelf survey 2012 28010
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Laman: Model Results of Aleutian Island POP distributions 28012
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Laman: Relative light intensity collected during bottom trawl surveys 23355
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Dabob Bay USBL planned survey line 28015
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Bristol Bay Reconnaissance Study-2002-GIS 17104
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Bristol Bay Reconnaissance Study-2002-Groundtruth 32380
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Bristol Bay Reconnaissance Study-2002-QINsy 32381
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Bristol Bay Reconnaissance Study-2002-QTC 32382
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Bristol Bay Reconnaissance Study-2002-Side scan sonar 32383
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006- Navigation 32407
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-FFCPT 32394
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-GIS 32406
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Klein 5410 17105
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Klein 7180-38 kHz 32396
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Klein 7180-EcoTriplet 32397
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Klein 7180-From archiver 32398
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-QINSy-From Archiver 32402
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-QINSy-WGS84_UTM4_Meters 32403
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-R8111 32411
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-SCS 32412
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-SVP 32414
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Seaboss-Drop stills 32390
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Seaboss-Grain size analysis 32392
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Seaboss-Infauna 32389
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Seaboss-Photos 32393
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-Sonardyne 32413
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-TACOS-Mosaics 32405
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2006-USBL 32400
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-FFCPT 32424
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-GIS 32430
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Klein 5410 32425
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Klein 7180 32426
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-QINSy 32428
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Reson 32433
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-SCS Data 32434
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Seaboss-From archiver 32708
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Seaboss-From archiver 32709
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Seaboss-Grabs 32421
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Seaboss-Stills 32422
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Seaboss-Video 32423
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Sonardyne 32435
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-TACOS 32429
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Tacos 32436
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-USBL 32427
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-Video 32437
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2008-photos 32432
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-FFCPT 32442
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-GIS 32443
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Grabs 32444
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Nav 32445
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Photos 32447
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Reson 32448
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-SCS v4.2.0 32449
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-SVP 32450
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Seaboss-Stills 32440
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Seaboss-Video 32441
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-USBL 32451
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2009-Video 32452
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-CPUE 32471
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-FFCPT 32466
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-GIS 32472
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Grabs 32473
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Klein 5410 32467
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Klein 7180 32468
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-LRSS_QTC 32475
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Logs 32474
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-POS 32478
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Photos 32477
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-QINSy 32469
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Reson 7111 32479
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Reson 8160 32480
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-SCS 32481
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-SVP.Raw 32485
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Seaboss 32465
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Sonar Output 32482
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-SonarWiz 32484
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-Sonardyne 32483
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Fishpac Projects-2012-TACOS 32470
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-From Archiver-Catchability Experiment, Bering Sea 38 KHz Acoustic Sediment Classification 22432
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-From Archiver-Multibeam Backscatter Imagery - 1m 28074
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-From Archiver-Shell Hash Multibeam Bathymetry Survey - 8m resolution 28076
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-GIS 32500
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-Other-Pribilof Canyon Multibeam Backscatter Imagery - 16m Resolution 28077
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-Photos 32502
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-Pribilof Canyon Multibeam Bathymetry - 16m resolution 28078
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Pribilof Hydro-2009-Pribilof Islands (St. Paul) Multibeam Backscatter Imagery - 1m 28075
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: QTC View Study- 1997- GIS 32302
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: QTC View Study- 1997- Other 17106
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-FFCPT 27353
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-GIS 32490
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-Klein 7180-Data 32489
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-Klein 7180-USBL Positioning 27357
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-QINsy 32492
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-Reson 27355
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-SCS 32494
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-SVP 32496
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: South Arctic Reconnaissance-2012-Sonardyne 32495
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -CTD 32369
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Epifauna trawls 32368
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -GIS 32371
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Grabs 32372
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Klein 5410 17107
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Nav 32373
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Photos 32375
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex BACI-2001-2002 -Video 32376
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects-1996-Other 28202
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: Bottom Trawl Catch Effort Data from NORPAC for Years 1973-2001 28204
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: Side Scan Sonar Mosaic - Experimental tow in the mid-east region of CHPZ1. 28206
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: Side Scan Sonar Mosaic - NE corner of CHPZ1. 28207
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: Trawlex (1996) Macrofauna CPUE (count/hectare) 28208
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: Trawlex (1996) Macrofauna CPUE (weight/hectare) 28210
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey: Trawlex Chronic Effects: UAF Infauna 27874
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1996- Mean Size 32321
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1996-1997-GIS 32333
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1996-Mbt & Scanmar 32320
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1996-Statgraphics 32322
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1996-Systat 32324
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1997-Catch Entry 32326
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1997-Scanmar 32328
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:Trawlex chronic effects-1997-USGS Cruise data 32329
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-Navy CTD 32338
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-Navy Tracks 32339
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-Photos 32340
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-Scanmar Data 32341
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-USBL data 32342
AFSC/RACE/GAP/McConnaughey:USBL Proof of Concept-1998-USBL pole drawings 32343
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Nichol: Archival tag depth and temperature data from Atka mackerel 28004
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Nichol: Archival tag depth and temperature data from Pacific cod 28006
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Nichol: Archival tag depth and temperature data from northern rock sole 28005
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Nichol: Archival tag depth and temperature data from red king crab 28007
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Nichol: Archival tag depth and temperature data from snow crab 28008
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Orr: Bering Sea Slope groundfish surveys Identification Confidence 28009
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Orr: Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands groundfish surveys Identification Confidence 22955
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Orr_An annotated checklist of the marine macroinvertebrates of Alaska and a retrospective analysis of the groundfish trawl database. 20507
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Palsson: Globe navigation data collected during the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands Biennial Bottom Trawl Survey 28013
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Palsson: Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands Biennial Bottom Trawl Survey estimates of catch per unit effort, biomass, population at length, and associated tables 22956
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Central Gulf of Alaska Multibeam Survey H11114 22957
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Central Gulf of Alaska Multibeam Survey H11118 22958
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Central Gulf of Alaska Multibeam Survey H11354 22953
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Norton Sound Bathymetry 24303
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Norton Sound Features 24304
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Norton Sound Sediments 24306
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Prescott: Norton Sound Shoreline 24305
AFSC/RACE/GAP/ROOPER: Impacts of longline gear on epibenthic invertebrates 27995
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rohan: Eastern Bering Sea Apparent Optical Properties Derived from Bottom-Trawl Survey Light Data 58980
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: Acoustic assessment of rockfish in untrawlable areas 27992
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: Deep sea coral and sponge distribution 27993
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: Gulf and Aleutian Islands pH, O2, turbidity 27994
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: ME70 mapping of trawlable grounds in the Gulf of Alaska 27996
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: Response of fish to drop camera systems 27997
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Rooper: Triggered camera for determining fish height off bottom by species and size 28002
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Yeung: Eastern Bering Sea Essential Fish Habitat Benthic Data 28433
AFSC/RACE/GAP/ZIMMERMANN: Bathymetry: western Gulf of Alaska Grid 56631
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann and Prescott: Eastern Bering Sea Slope Grid 67253
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Aleutians Bathymetry Grid 22164
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Aleutians Sediments 22165
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Central Gulf of Alaska Bathymetry Features 22903
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Central Gulf of Alaska Grid 22897
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Cook Inlet Bathymetry Features 22167
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Cook Inlet Grid 22166
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Cook Inlet Sediments 22168
AFSC/RACE/GAP/Zimmermann: Cook Inlet Shoreline 22181
AFSC/RACE/GAP/vonSzalay: The Eastern Bering Sea Shelf, Gulf of Alaska, and Aleutian Islands Simrad ES 60 Acoustic Data Collected on Bottom Trawl Surveys 22415
AFSC/RACE/GAP: RACE Groundfish Survey Photo Database 23351
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Association between large cetaceans and their prey: East Kodiak 28308
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2006 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY0606 28196
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2007 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY0707 28407
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2008 pollock acoustic trawl survey Shelikof DY0803 22012
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2009 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY0909 28408
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2010 Acoustic-trawl survey of the Shumagin Islands, Sanak Trough, Kenai Peninsula bays and Prince-william sound dy1001 28337
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2010 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY1006 28341
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2011 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1103 31668
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2012 Acoustic-trawl survey of the Shumagin Islands and Sanak Trough dy1201 28338
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2012 Chukchi Sea Acoustic/Trawl Survey 28421
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2012 acoustic trawl survey Bogoslof DY1202 31669
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2012 acoustic trawl survey Shelikof DY1203 31671
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2013 Acoustic-trawl survey of the Shumagin Islands, Sanak Trough, and Morzhovoi Bay dy1302 28339
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2013 Pollock Acoustic/Trawl Survey Shelikof 201303 28430
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2013 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1307 31667
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2014 Acoustic-trawl survey of the Shumagin Islands and Sanak Trough dy1401 28340
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2014 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY1407 28313
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2014 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Shelikof- DY1403 28314
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2014 acoustic trawl survey Bogoslof DY1402 31670
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2015 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska M1501 31672
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2015 acoustic trawl survey Shelikof DY1503 31614
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2015 acoustic trawl survey Shumagin/Sanak/PWS DY1502 31666
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2016 acoustic trawl survey Bogoslof DY1603 31663
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2016 acoustic trawl survey Eastern Bering Sea DY1608 65610
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2016 acoustic trawl survey Shumagins/Sanak DY1602 31662
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2017 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1701 65606
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2017 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1703 63222
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2017 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1706 65612
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2018 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY1807 65609
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2018 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1801 63220
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2018 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY1803 57268
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2019 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska SH1904 58284
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2020 acoustic saildrone survey Eastern Bering Sea SD1043_2020-01 65623
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2020 acoustic saildrone survey Eastern Bering Sea SD1046_2020-01 65624
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2020 acoustic saildrone survey Eastern Bering Sea SD1049_2020-01 65625
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2020 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY2001 63219
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2020 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY2003 63218
AFSC/RACE/MACE: Results of 2024 acoustic trawl survey Gulf of Alaska DY2401 73284
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Armistead: 1975 - 2016 eastern Bering Sea Crab Distribution For Web 26802
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Cummiskey: Red king crab sonic tagging and dive database 25653
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Daly: Juvenile red and blue king crab prey preference experiment conducted in the Kodiak Lab in 2014 24191
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Daly:Juvenile blue king crab cannibalism experiment conducted in the Kodiak Lab in 2014 27338
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Foy: Effects of ocean acidification on embryo stages of Tanner crab: Kodiak Island, Alaska. 27850
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Foy: Effects of ocean acidification on larval Tanner crab: Kodiak Island, Alaska. 27853
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Foy: Seawater chemistry of three pH treatments used to test the effect of pH on Tanner crab biology: Kodiak Island, Alaska. 26898
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Foy: The effects of ocean acidification on ovigerous Tanner crab size, calcium, and magnesium content. : Kodiak Island, Alaska. 27842
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Jensen: Bitter crab disease mortality in SE Alaska Tanner crab 26896
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data from: Embryo development in golden king crab, Lithodes aequispina. 26894
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data from: A novel quantitative model of multiple discrete stage transitions applied to crustacean larval development 28417
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data from: Effects of Ocean Acidification on Juvenile Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) and Tanner Crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) Growth, Condition, Calcification, and Survival 26895
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data from: Habitat, predation, growth, and coexistence: Could interactions between juvenile red and blue king crabs limit blue king crab productivity? 26521
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data from: Upper thermal tolerance in red and blue king crab: Sublethal and lethal effects 35877
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Data on the effects of release density on release success in hatchery-reared red king crab 25632
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Effects of ocean acidification on blue king crab 25609
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Long: Effects of ocean acidification on respiration, feeding, and growth of juvenile red and blue king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus and P. platypus) 36615
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Munk: Life history studies of Tanner crab, Chionoecetes bairdi, near Kodiak, Alaska. 27847
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Pathobiology: 2014 Bitter crab disease prevalence in immature Chionoecetes spp. at 6 index sites in eastern Bering Sea 26477
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Pathobiology: 2015 Bitter crab disease prevalence in immature Chionoecetes spp. at 6 index sites in eastern Bering Sea 36057
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Pathobiology: 2016 Bitter crab disease prevalence in Chionoecetes spp. from eastern Bering Sea upper continental slope 36062
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Pathobiology: 2016 Bitter crab disease prevalence in immature Chionoecetes spp. at 6 index sites in eastern Bering Sea 36105
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Shavey: DNA extraction from archived Giemsa-stained blood smears using polymerase chain reaction to detect host and parasitic DNA 35937
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Swiney: Red king crab fecundity and embryo and larval quality 24260
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Swiney: Effects of holding space on juvenile red king crab growth and survival 28134
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Swiney: Effects of ocean acidification and increased temperatures on juvenile red king crab 33529
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Swiney: Primiparous and multiparous Tanner crab egg extrusion, embryo development and hatching 25614
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Urban: Golden King Crab tagging 26525
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Urban: Snow Crab Handling Mortality 26528
AFSC/RACE/SAP/Urban:Tanner Crab Handling Mortality 26527
AFSC/RACE/SAP: Detailed Crab Data From NOAA Fisheries Service 2012 Chukchi Sea Bottom Trawl Surveys 23470
AFSC/RACE/SAP: Detailed Crab Data From NOAA Fisheries Service Annual Eastern Bering Sea Summer Bottom Trawl Surveys 1975 - 2018 17108
AFSC/RACE/SAP: Small Mesh Survey Data 22010
NPRB 1117 Cooperative research to develop new trawl footrope designs to reduce mortality of southern Tanner and snow crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi and C. opilio) incidental to Bering Sea bottom trawl fisheries 28425
NPRB 1319 Assessment of the benthic impacts of raised groundgear for the Eastern Bering Sea pollock fishery. 28426
NPRB711 Quantification of unobserved injury and mortality of Bering Sea crabs due to encounters with trawls on the seafloor 28427
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/Eco-FOCI: 2010 Eastern Bering Sea Juvenile Survey 17092
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/Eco-FOCI: Chlorophyll: groundtruth data for chlorophyll fluorescence sensors on the moorings. 17099
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Chlorophyll, ichthyoplankton and zooplankton collected around the moorings and along the 70-m isobath on 2 cruises (2MF06, 12 April - 6 May; 7MF06, 25 September - 10 October 17102
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Chlorophyll, ichthyoplankton and zooplankton samples from cruises 3MF05, 3TT05 and 8MF05 17100
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Chlorophyll, temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, fluorescence and zooplankton collected around the moorings and along the 70-m isobath on 4 cruises (3MF07, 18 April - 6 May; 1HE07, 10 April - 12 May; 7MF07, 17 - 30 September; 1TT07, 24 September - 11 October 17103
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Fish diet analyses performed in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. 1990's - 2010 26711
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Ichthyoplankton data collected in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas and the Gulf of Alaska 1972 to Present 26373
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Otolith measurements and analyses performed in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas and the Gulf of Alaska. 1995 - Present 26374
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Trawl catch data collected in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska 1993 to Present 26571
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI - Zooplankton data collected in support of FOCI assessment surveys and ecosystem observations in the Bering, Beaufort, and Chukchi Seas and the Gulf of Alaska, 1987 – Present 26570
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI Chlorophyll for 2MF06 and 7MF06 17101
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2010 BEST and BSIERP Study 1WE10/WE10-08 17096
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2010 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) Study - 1AE10 17089
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2010 Eastern Bering Sea Juvenile Survey - 1MF10 17110
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Chukchi Sea Cruise MB11-01/1MB11 17091
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Fall Bering Sea Mooring Cruise DY11-04/3DY11 17087
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 GOA-IERP & Seward Line 1TX11 17095
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska IERP Cruise TN263/1TT11 17093
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska Late Larval Survey DY11-02/2DY11 17086
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: 2011 Gulf of Alaska fall juvenile fish Cruise DY11-06/7DY11 17088
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: Chlorophyll, ichthyoplankton and zooplankton data for 3MF04 and 8MF04 17097
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/EcoFOCI: Chlorophyll: variability in spring chlorophyll concentrations and zooplankotn on the eastern Bering Sea shelf - cruise Healy 07-01 17098
Obsolete - AFSC/RACE/GAP/Orr: NPRB_1016 An annotated checklist of the marine macroinvertebrates of Alaska and a retrospective analysis of the groundfish trawl database. 25689
Results of 2012 Pollock Acoustic-Trawl Survey Bering Sea- DY1207 28307
Results of 2013 Chukchi Sea Acoustic/Trawl Survey 64622
Results of 2017 Chukchi Sea Acoustic/Trawl Survey 64623
Results of 2019 Chukchi Sea Acoustic/Trawl Survey 64624
Video Log 32331
Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management Division AFSC FIT Pacific cod tagging data from the Bering Sea, 2002-2006 26255
AFSC NPRB Conrath Conners Octopus Studies 2009-2011 Kodiak Alaska Life History and Habitat Pot Gear 21676
AFSC/REFM: Aleutian Islands Cooperative Acoustic Survey Study 2006-2008 12856
AFSC/REFM: Acoustic trawl cooperative survey near Shumagin Islands 2007-2013 12859
AFSC/REFM: Acoustics from vessels of opportunity - EBS factory-trawlers 21677
AFSC/REFM: Alaska Saltwater Sport Fishing Charter Business Survey 24141
AFSC/REFM: Alaska Stock Assessment Results Archive (SARA) 23094
AFSC/REFM: Alaska groundfish AGEDATA database,1982 to present 23083
AFSC/REFM: Alaska regional economic data collected through surveys 2004, 2005, 2009, Seung 21674
AFSC/REFM: Alaskan Pacific cod 18 Oxygen age validation study 23082
AFSC/REFM: Alaskan flatfish chronology Black et al 22261
AFSC/REFM: Alaskan yellowfin sole extended chronology Black et al 2013 22257
AFSC/REFM: Amendment 80 Economic Data Report Dataset 21672
AFSC/REFM: Amendment 91 Chinook Salmon Economic Data Report Dataset 24142
AFSC/REFM: Atka mackerel Tagging Studies, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 20495
AFSC/REFM: BSAI Crab Economic Data Report 21673
AFSC/REFM: Beaufort Sea Marine Fish Survey, Beaufort Sea, Alaska, August 2008, Fisheries Interaction Team 20608
AFSC/REFM: Bomb-produced age validation study 21678
AFSC/REFM: Community Profiles for North Pacific Fisheries, Alaska 2011 24178
AFSC/REFM: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Economic Survey 2013 26254
AFSC/REFM: Digitized 2005 GOA Trawl Logbooks merged with Fish Ticket and Observer data 22163
AFSC/REFM: FEAST (Forage Euphausiid in Space and Time NPRB B.70 Model output for 1970-2009 Hindcast (Run V146), Kerim Aydin and Andre Punt 24501
AFSC/REFM: Flatfish maturity near Kodiak, 2012-2013 23103
AFSC/REFM: Groundfish SAFE Economic Report 12672
AFSC/REFM: Groundfish Survey of the Chukchi Sea in 2013 by Shelf Habitat and Ecology of Fish and Zooplankton (SHELFZ) 24160
AFSC/REFM: Inshore research surveys in the eastern and central Gulf of Alaska, 2010-2013, conducted by the middle trophic level component of the GOA Integrated Ecosystem Research Project 12858
AFSC/REFM: Isolation by distance (IBD) Alaskan fish stock structure modeling 25327
AFSC/REFM: Movement of Alaska skates (Bathyraja parmifera) in the Bering Sea , determined through conventional tagging 12860
AFSC/REFM: Nearshore fish survey in northern Bristol Bay, Alaska, July-August 2009 12857
AFSC/REFM: North Pacific Groundfish Diet Data 1981-present, Aydin, K. 20485
AFSC/REFM: North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment Chapters, 1998-present 24146
AFSC/REFM: Octopus gear and discard mortality studies in Alaska 30463
AFSC/REFM: Pacific cod Localized Depletion Study 24167
AFSC/REFM: Pacific cod genetics in the Aleutian Islands 2004-2007 23101
AFSC/REFM: Seabird Necropsy dataset of North Pacific 25317
AFSC/REFM: Seabird food habits dataset of the North Pacific 25319
AFSC/REFM: Stable Isotope collections from the North Pacific 2001-2008 12855
AFSC/REFM: Steller sea lion economic survey data, U.S., 2007, Lew 21675
NRF FT-NIR Ageing, 2013-2019, Benson et al 2024 73040